Understanding ones needs

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Bakugo, sensing Izuku's unease as he showed him around the house, decided to call it a night, even though it was still early. He carried Izuku to his room, and as he announced that it was his room, Izuku's heart started to race with fear. The thought of sharing a bed with Bakugo brought back painful memories, and he began to cry and whimper in distress.

Bakugo immediately panicked, realizing his mistake. He gently comforted Izuku, assuring him that he would never touch him without his permission. With soft and kind words, he slowly calmed Izuku down, soothing his fears. Once Izuku had settled, Bakugo helped him get into bed, making sure he was comfortable.

Bakugo started to remove his own shirt, but Izuku's panic resurfaced. Bakugo quickly realized his error and put his shirt back on, apologizing to Izuku. He explained that he was used to sleeping without a shirt but promised to keep it on. Izuku nodded slowly, still feeling apprehensive.

Bakugo asked for permission to lay down, and Izuku hesitantly nodded. Bakugo crawled into bed, making sure to keep his distance, respecting Izuku's boundaries. He didn't dare touch him, wanting to honor his promise and ensure Izuku felt safe.

However, in the middle of the night, Bakugo woke up to Izuku screaming from a nightmare. He was torn between his promise not to touch without permission and his overwhelming concern for Izuku's well-being. Unable to bear his screams, Bakugo scooped Izuku up and held him tightly in his lap, providing a secure embrace.

Izuku, startled and afraid, initially struggled to free himself from Bakugo's arms. But as he heard Bakugo's soothing voice, reassuring him that it was him and that he was safe, he gradually relaxed. Bakugo apologized for grabbing him without permission and for scaring him, understanding the importance of consent. Izuku sought comfort in Bakugo's embrace, straddling his lap and holding onto him tightly. Bakugo reciprocated by holding him close and gently petting his head, soothing him with his touch. He placed tender kisses on Izuku's head and face, whispering loving words to calm him down.

Izuku's heart fluttered with warmth and appreciation for the affection Bakugo was showing him. He enjoyed the feeling of Bakugo's kisses on his face and leaned into them, allowing Bakugo to continue placing gentle kisses in different places. He held onto Bakugo tightly, finding comfort in his arms.

Bakugo's kisses continued to trail along Izuku's face, each one filled with tenderness and longing. As they reached the precipice of their lips meeting, a pause hung in the air, both of them feeling the magnetic pull between them. Their eyes locked, and time seemed to slow down as they stared at each other, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Izuku's breath caught in his throat, his mind racing with a mix of desire and fear. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, and he could hardly believe that this was bakugo katsuki he once childhood friend / tormentor.

Bakugo's gaze remained fixed on Izuku's lips, his own heart pounding in his chest. The desire to close the distance between them was almost unbearable, but he fought against it, recognizing the importance of respecting Izuku's boundaries and fears at such a delicate time. It was a stark contrast to his previous impulsive nature, a testament to the growth and change he had undergone.

In that suspended moment, they both leaned in, their faces drawing closer and closer. The anticipation was palpable, the air charged with an electric energy. It felt as if the world around them had faded away, leaving only the two of them in this intimate space.

But just as their lips were about to touch, Izuku's mind was flooded with images and memories, reminding him of the pain and hurt he had endured in the past. It was a jolt back to reality, like ice water was thrown on him, a reminder of the caution he needed to exercise. With a mix of longing and fear, Izuku placed his hands on Bakugo's shoulders, gently pushing him away, creating a small but significant distance between them.

Izuku's heart raced, his breaths coming in shallow gasps as he awaited Bakugo's reaction. To his surprise, Bakugo didn't show anger or malice . Instead, his expression softened, and he offered a sincere apology. The shock of Bakugo's understanding response washed over Izuku, leaving him speechless and dumbfounded

It was a moment of revelation for Izuku, realizing that Bakugo was capable of empathy and respect. The transformation in Bakugo's demeanor left Izuku feeling both surprised and grateful, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions.

Breaking the tension, Bakugo gently pointed out the time, rolling them both to a lying position. He positioned himself on his side, with Izuku facing his chest, pulling Izuku close, wrapping his arm protectively around him. Izuku found himself leaning into Bakugo's embrace, feeling a mixture of relief, gratitude, and a newfound sense of maybe he could trust him.

As they drifted off to sleep, Izuku found safety in Bakugo's arms, feeling a warmth and security that he had longed for. Bakugo, too, fell asleep with a sense of contentment, cherishing the connection they shared and feeling grateful to have Izuku in his embrace.

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