Finding the missing piece 

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Bakugo was on patrol one day when he stumbled upon a hidden location known for illegal activities. As he cautiously entered the dimly lit room, his heart sank at the sight before him. Izuku was there, battered and bruised, alongside several other individuals who had suffered a similar fate.

A mix of relief and concern washed over Bakugo as he rushed to Izuku's side. Gently, he tried to wake him, but Izuku's eyes remained closed, his body limp. Bakugo's heart ached at the sight, realizing the extent of the trauma his friend had endured.

With urgency, Bakugo called for backup and medical assistance. He refused to leave Izuku's side, cradling him protectively as he waited for help to arrive. The weight of guilt settled upon Bakugo's shoulders, knowing that he couldn't protect Izuku from this pain.

As the medical team arrived, they quickly assessed the situation and began tending to the injured individuals. Bakugo watched anxiously, his eyes never leaving Izuku's unconscious form. He vowed to stay by his side, to support him through the healing process, even if Izuku didn't trust him.

Days turned into weeks as Izuku slowly regained consciousness and was transferred to the hospital for further care. Bakugo visited him every day, bringing small tokens of friendship and offering words of encouragement. However, Izuku's trust had been shattered, and he remained guarded and distant.
To be continued...

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