Hard conversation

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Bakugo took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult conversation ahead. He knew that Inko deserved to know about Izuku's discovery and current state. With a heavy heart, he dialed Inko's number and relayed the news, explaining how they had found Izuku in a terrible condition.

Inko's voice trembled with a mix of relief and worry as she listened to Bakugo's account. She thanked him for his efforts in finding Izuku and immediately made plans to visit her son at the hospital. Bakugo assured her that he would be there as well, wanting to support both Izuku and Inko during this challenging time.

When Inko arrived at the hospital, her heart shattered at the sight of her frail and distant son. Izuku's eyes held a guarded expression, his body language reflecting the pain he had endured. Inko approached him gently, her voice filled with love and concern, but Izuku remained distant, hesitant to let anyone in.

As they sat by Izuku's bedside, the topic of where he would stay once he was discharged arose. Bakugo, feeling a surge of protectiveness, spoke up. He explained to Inko how he had witnessed Izuku's struggles and how he wanted to offer him a safe and supportive environment. Bakugo emphasized that he would do everything in his power to help Izuku heal and rebuild his life.

Inko listened intently, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and concern. She knew that Bakugo had grown and changed over the years, but she also understood the complexities of their relationship. Inko wanted what was best for Izuku, and she recognized the genuine care and determination in Bakugo's voice.

After a moment of contemplation, Inko nodded, her decision made. She expressed her trust in Bakugo, acknowledging his growth and the bond he shared with Izuku. Inko believed that Bakugo's presence could provide the stability and support that Izuku needed during his recovery.

With Inko's approval, Bakugo felt a renewed sense of responsibility and purpose. He vowed to be there for Izuku, to help him heal physically and emotionally. Bakugo understood the challenges that lay ahead, but he was determined to create a safe and nurturing environment for his friend.

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