Therapy session

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Bakugo woke up early, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had been waiting for this day for a long time - the day when he would take Izuku to his first therapy session. It had been a significant step for both of them, especially after their first intimate night together. Bakugo knew that therapy would help them navigate their relationship and address any lingering issues from their past.

He gently shook Izuku awake, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance. "Hey, Deku, it's time to get up. We have your therapy session today."

Izuku stirred, blinking his eyes open and stretching his limbs. He looked at Bakugo with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "Oh, right. I'm a little nervous, but I trust you, Kacchan."

Bakugo smiled, his heart swelling with affection. "I know it can be intimidating, but trust me, it's going to be worth it. We're in this together, remember?"

Izuku nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, we are. Let's do this."

After getting ready, they made their way to the therapist's office. Bakugo held Izuku's hand tightly, providing a constant source of support and comfort. As they entered the office, they were greeted by a friendly receptionist who directed them to the waiting area.

The room was cozy, with soft lighting and comfortable chairs. Bakugo and Izuku sat side by side, their fingers intertwined. Bakugo leaned in, whispering words of encouragement to Izuku, reminding him that he was proud of him for taking this step.

Soon, the therapist, a kind-looking woman with gentle eyes, called Izuku's name. They stood up together, Bakugo's grip on Izuku's hand never faltering. They entered the therapist's office, finding a safe space where they could openly discuss their feelings and concerns.

The therapist began by introducing herself and creating a welcoming atmosphere. She asked Izuku about his reasons for seeking therapy and what he hoped to achieve. Izuku hesitated for a moment, glancing at Bakugo for support. Bakugo nodded, silently encouraging him to speak his mind.

With Bakugo's unwavering presence, Izuku opened up about his past abusive relationship with Dabi and the struggles he faced in trying to find a sense of normalcy again. He talked about the emotional and physical trauma he endured, the fear that still lingered within him, and the impact it had on their relationship.

The therapist listened attentively, offering empathetic responses and gentle guidance. She validated Izuku's feelings, helping him understand that it was normal to have difficulty trusting again after such a traumatic experience. She emphasized the importance of self-care and self-compassion, encouraging Izuku to be patient with himself as he healed.

Throughout the session, Bakugo chimed in, sharing his own perspective and experiences. He reassured Izuku that he loved him unconditionally and that therapy was a way for them to heal together. Bakugo spoke about the progress they had made as a couple, highlighting the moments of growth and the support they had provided each other.

As the session progressed, Izuku began to open up more, discussing the ways in which Bakugo had helped him heal. He talked about Bakugo's unwavering support, his patience, and his ability to make him feel safe and loved. Izuku expressed gratitude for Bakugo's understanding and willingness to be there for him, even during the most challenging times.

The therapist commended Izuku for his bravery in sharing his experiences and acknowledged the progress he had already made. She provided them with tools and techniques to continue their healing journey, emphasizing the importance of open communication and setting healthy boundaries.

Leaving the therapist's office, Bakugo and Izuku felt a sense of relief and hope. They knew that therapy would be an ongoing process, but they were determined to work through their issues together. With Bakugo's unwavering support and their newfound understanding, they were ready to face any challenges that lay ahead, knowing that they had the strength to overcome them.

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