Big Event

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Izuku had a big event scheduled for today, where he would be delivering a motivational speech against domestic violence and human trafficking. Nervousness coursed through his veins, but Bakugo was there by his side, offering unwavering support and encouragement. However, Bakugo seemed a bit off today, displaying an unusual nervousness that Izuku couldn't help but notice. Whenever Izuku brought it up, Bakugo would dismiss it, not wanting to distract him from his important speech.

Determined to focus on his speech and mentally prepare himself, Izuku took a deep breath and straightened his tie, ensuring that his appearance was impeccable. As they arrived at the venue, Izuku steeled himself, ready to step onto the stage and deliver his message. Bakugo and his mother stood by his side, offering words of encouragement and support. Izuku embraced his mother tightly, feeling her love and warmth envelop him. He then turned to Bakugo, their eyes meeting with a deep affection. Izuku leaned in, pressing a loving kiss against Bakugo's lips, a gesture of gratitude and reassurance.

With his heart filled with love and determination, Izuku walked onto the stage, greeted by the thunderous applause and cheers of the crowd. He took a moment to compose himself, feeling the weight of the important message he was about to share. As he began to speak, his voice resonated with passion and conviction, captivating the audience. His words flowed effortlessly, painting a vivid picture of the horrors of domestic violence and human trafficking, while also inspiring hope and encouraging action.

The crowd responded enthusiastically, clapping and roaring in approval, their support fueling Izuku's confidence. As he stepped off the stage, a mix of relief and exhilaration washed over him. Bakugo, unable to contain his pride and admiration, leaned in and kissed Izuku's cheek, a silent gesture of love and congratulations. He then helped Izuku put on his jacket, his touch gentle and comforting, before wrapping a warm scarf around his neck, protecting him from the chilly air.

Despite the success of his speech, Izuku's nerves remained a bundle of energy, still buzzing with the intensity of the moment. Bakugo sensed his unease , and suggested they take a walk through the nearby park to decompress and enjoy the cool weather.

As they strolled through the park, Izuku could see the steam of their breaths in the air, a visual reminder that winter had begun. The wind blew softly, causing the Sakura petals to float gently around them, creating a serene and beautiful atmosphere. The scene was a stark contrast to Bakugo's uncharacteristic silence and nervous fidgeting, which had persisted since the beginning of their walk.

Izuku attempted to start a conversation, hoping to ease the tension, but his words fell short, met with only brief responses from Bakugo. Concern began to gnaw at Izuku's mind, his thoughts spiraling with worry. Was Bakugo tired of him? Was he contemplating ending their relationship? The uncertainty weighed heavily on Izuku, leaving him feeling vulnerable and anxious.

Walking slightly ahead of Izuku, Bakugo led them to the center of the park, surrounded by the breathtaking Sakura trees. He finally came to a stop, his gaze averted from Izuku's eyes. The worry in Izuku's heart intensified, but he remained silent, waiting for Bakugo to speak.

Bakugo took a deep breath in and out, spinning around on his heels to face Izuku. He began to speak, his voice filled with emotion. "Deku, no, Izuku. I've known you my whole life. You've always been there, everywhere I went. No matter where I looked, you were by my side, even when I pushed you away. And when you were gone, I found myself searching for you in everything I did. I realized that without you, I am incomplete. I need you by my side. I can't imagine waking up and not seeing your beautiful face. You are the only person I want and need. And I never want to be without you, in this life or the next."

Bakugo dropped down to one knee, pulling out a small box with a ring, and asked, "Izuku Midoriya, will you marry me?" Izuku stood in shock, tears welling up in his eyes. Overwhelmed with joy, he leaped into Bakugo's arms, exclaiming, "Yes, yes, I will marry you!" Bakugo lifted Izuku in the air, spinning him around, their happiness shining brightly.

All of their friends stepped out from behind the trees, including Izuku's mother, with smiles on their faces. They shouted congratulations to the newly engaged couple. Bakugo and Izuku, their hands intertwined, stood happily in the midst of the crowd of people they loved.

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