Desperate search

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Inko's heart sank as she entered Izuku's room, only to find it empty and devoid of his presence. Panic gripped her, squeezing her chest with an iron grip. She called out his name, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation, but there was no response. The realization hit her like a tidal wave - Izuku had run away.

Tears welled up in Inko's eyes as she clutched onto Izuku's favorite hoodie, the fabric a tangible reminder of her son's absence. The weight of sadness settled upon her, threatening to crush her spirit. How had it come to this? How had she failed to protect him from the darkness that had driven him away?

Bakugo, too, felt a surge of pain and guilt as he learned of Izuku's disappearance. The weight of his own actions, his inability to reach out and hold his friend when he needed it most, bore down on him like a heavy burden. He blamed himself for not being there emotionally, for not recognizing the signs of Izuku's inner turmoil.

Together, Inko and Bakugo embarked on a frantic search for Izuku. They combed through every corner of their neighborhood, calling out his name, hoping for a glimpse of his familiar face. They reached out to friends, teachers, and anyone who might have seen him, their voices filled with desperation and worry.

As the hours turned into days, their search intensified. Inko's heart ached with every dead end, every false lead. The realization that her son was out there, alone and vulnerable, tore at her soul. She reported him missing to the authorities, clinging to the hope that someone, somewhere, would have information that could bring Izuku back to her.

But despite their tireless efforts, Izuku remained elusive. He had vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. Inko and Bakugo were left with a profound sense of loss and helplessness, their hearts heavy with the weight of uncertainty.

As days turned into weeks, their hope began to waver, but they refused to give up. Inko and Bakugo vowed to continue their search, to leave no stone unturned until they found their beloved Izuku. They would not rest until he was safely back in their arms, their love and determination serving as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

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