Rash decision 

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One fateful afternoon, as Izuku's secret relationship with Dabi continued to deepen, he found himself caught in a moment of vulnerability. Bakugo, who had been growing increasingly concerned about Izuku's well-being, stumbled upon a heated argument between Izuku and Dabi in a secluded corner of the school grounds.

Unbeknownst to Izuku, Bakugo had been keeping a watchful eye on him, his worry for his childhood friend overriding his usual brash demeanor. As he approached the scene, he couldn't help but overhear fragments of their conversation, enough to raise his suspicions and ignite a spark of anger within him.

Driven by a mix of concern and frustration, Bakugo impulsively intervened, his voice booming with righteous indignation. The confrontation escalated, with Bakugo demanding answers and Dabi attempting to deflect and maintain control over Izuku. In the heat of the moment, Bakugo's words struck a nerve, pushing Dabi to reveal more than he intended.

Unbeknownst to Bakugo, Inko, Izuku's loving and ever-watchful mother, had been searching for answers of her own. She had noticed the changes in her son, the distance and the sadness that seemed to consume him. Her motherly instincts had led her to dig deeper, to uncover the truth behind Izuku's sudden transformation.

As fate would have it, Inko had chosen that very day to surprise Izuku at school, hoping to catch a glimpse of the life he had been keeping hidden from her. Her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and worry, she arrived just in time to witness the confrontation between Bakugo, Izuku, and Dabi.

Inko's eyes widened with shock and concern as she pieced together the fragments of the conversation. The truth, once hidden in the shadows, was now laid bare before her. The realization of Izuku's involvement with an older man, the danger he was entangled in, struck her like a blow to the chest.

Bakugo, his anger momentarily forgotten, watched in stunned silence as Inko's eyes met his, a mix of gratitude and anguish reflected in her gaze. In that moment, he understood the unintended role he had played in exposing Izuku's secret. Guilt washed over him, realizing the weight of his actions and the impact they had on both Izuku and his mother.

As Inko rushed forward, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination, Bakugo stepped aside, allowing her to take charge. In that moment, he vowed to himself that he would do whatever it took to protect Izuku, to make amends for his unwitting involvement in this painful revelation."

As the truth spilled out before Inko's eyes, her heart shattered into a million pieces. The shock and anguish etched across her face mirrored the pain that consumed her. She desperately wanted to reach out and hold her son, to shield him from the darkness that had enveloped his life. But in that moment, her own fear and confusion held her back, leaving her feeling helpless and paralyzed.

Bakugo, too, stood frozen in disbelief. The weight of his unintentional role in exposing Izuku's secret bore down on him, a heavy burden that threatened to crush his spirit. His heart ached with a mix of guilt and regret, his mind racing to find a way to make amends. He longed to extend his hand, to offer solace and support, but he knew deep down that he wasn't emotionally equipped to do so just yet.

As the realization of his secret being laid bare settled in, Izuku's world crumbled around him. Panic surged through his veins, fueling a desperate need to escape, to run away from the pain and shame that threatened to consume him. With tears streaming down his face, he turned and sprinted towards his home, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Every step he took was heavy with the weight of betrayal and self-loathing. He felt like a monster, a burden to those he loved most. The thought of facing his mother's disappointment and Bakugo's judgment was unbearable. In that moment, all he wanted was to disappear, to find solace in the anonymity of a world far away from the pain he had caused.

Bakugo, torn between his desire to chase after Izuku and his own emotional turmoil, watched as his friend's figure grew smaller in the distance. His heart screamed for him to run after Izuku, to hold him tight and promise that everything would be okay. But the fear of saying the wrong thing, of making things worse, held him back. He knew that he needed to confront his own demons and find the strength to support Izuku in a way that truly mattered.

As Izuku disappeared from sight, Bakugo's fists clenched in frustration. He vowed to himself that he would not let Izuku face this darkness alone. He would confront his own shortcomings, his own insecurities, and become the person Izuku needed him to be. With a heavy heart and a newfound determination, Bakugo turned and headed towards his own path of self-discovery, hoping that one day he would be able to extend his hand and hold Izuku, offering the support and love he so desperately needed.

    When izuku made it home he made a desperate decision. He grabbed his school bag, stormed into his room, and began packing his belongings. Inko, overwhelmed by fear and concern, stood in the living room alongside Bakugo. Inko's voice trembled as she pleaded with Izuku to reveal the man's identity, to let her protect him. But Izuku, torn between his love for this older man and his loyalty to his mother, found himself unable to comply.

In a moment of defiance and desperation, Izuku texted the man, Dabi, begging him to take him away from the turmoil of his home. And that night, as Izuku climbed out of his window and into Dabi's car, he disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving behind a heartbroken mother and a concerned childhood friend."

Breaking the Chains: Escaping the Shadows of Abuse BKDKΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα