True intentions

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Abuse ⚠️⛔️⚠️⛔️

"As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the relationship between Izuku and Dabi took a dark turn. What had once seemed like love and affection gradually transformed into something insidious. At first, the signs were subtle, easily dismissed as isolated incidents. A sharp comment here, a controlling demand there. Izuku, desperate to hold onto the affection he craved, brushed them off as mere misunderstandings.

But the small cracks in their relationship widened, revealing a much darker reality. Dabi's words grew harsher, his actions more possessive. He isolated Izuku from his friends, convincing him that they were a threat to their love. Slowly, Dabi eroded Izuku's self-esteem, chipping away at his confidence until he felt utterly dependent on his abuser.

The abuse escalated, starting with emotional manipulation and verbal degradation. Dabi's words became daggers, slicing through Izuku's spirit. He controlled every aspect of Izuku's life, dictating what he could wear, who he could talk to, and where he could go. Izuku's dreams of being a hero were crushed under the weight of Dabi's dominance.

As time went on, the abuse turned physical. The first time Dabi's hand struck Izuku's face, it was like a shockwave through his soul. The pain was not just physical but a shattering of trust and hope. Izuku, trapped in a cycle of fear and confusion, struggled to comprehend how the person he once believed loved him could inflict such harm.

In the shadows of their shared secrets, Izuku's world became a prison. The once vibrant and determined young man was now a shell of his former self, trapped in a web of manipulation and torment. The horrors that awaited him were beyond anything he could have imagined, a nightmare that would test his strength and resilience in ways he never thought possible."

Breaking the Chains: Escaping the Shadows of Abuse BKDKNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ