Memories Made

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The wedding planning process was a whirlwind of excitement, stress, and laughter. Izuku, Bakugo, Inko, and their friends all came together to ensure that every detail was perfect for the big day.

In the early stages of planning, Izuku and Bakugo found themselves overwhelmed with the sheer number of decisions to be made. From choosing the venue to selecting the flowers and the menu, it seemed like there was an endless list of tasks to tackle. But with the support of their friends, they dove headfirst into the planning process.

Bakugo, being his usual rough self, took charge of certain aspects of the wedding. He enlisted the help of his friends Kirishima, Denki, Sero, and Mina, who were more than willing to lend a hand. Together, they tackled tasks like organizing the seating arrangements, setting up the decorations, and even taste-testing the wedding cake. Bakugo's perfectionist nature and sharp attention to detail ensured that everything was executed flawlessly.

While the planning process was undoubtedly stressful, there were also moments of pure joy and fun. Izuku and Bakugo's friends brought a sense of lightness and laughter to the process, helping to alleviate some of the tension. They shared inside jokes, teased each other mercilessly, and even had impromptu dance parties during breaks from planning. These moments of camaraderie and friendship reminded Izuku and Bakugo of the incredible support system they had surrounding them.

Inko, Izuku's mother, played a crucial role in the wedding planning as well. She offered guidance and wisdom, helping to navigate the more intricate details of the ceremony. Inko's presence brought a sense of calm and reassurance, reminding Izuku and Bakugo of the love and support they had from their families.

As the wedding day approached, the excitement reached its peak. Izuku and Bakugo could hardly contain their anticipation, their hearts filled with a mix of nervousness and joy. Their friends rallied around them, ensuring that everything was in place for the big day. They helped with last-minute preparations, making sure that every detail was perfect.

Wedding day 🤍💍

The day had finally arrived. Izuku and Bakugo's wedding day. Excitement and nervousness filled the air as they prepared to embark on this new chapter of their lives together. Both of them had been looking forward to this moment, but the weight of the occasion made their hearts race with anticipation.

As they stood in their separate dressing rooms, Izuku adjusted his tie for what felt like the hundredth time, his hands trembling slightly. He glanced at himself in the mirror, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. Bakugo, on the other hand, paced back and forth, his mind filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety. He couldn't help but worry about everything going smoothly, wanting this day to be perfect for Izuku.

Finally, the time came for them to make their way to the ceremony. Izuku's heart pounded in his chest as he stood at the entrance, waiting for the signal to walk down the aisle. He could hear the soft music playing, and the sight of their loved ones gathered in anticipation brought tears to his eyes. Bakugo, waiting at the altar, felt a surge of emotions as he caught sight of Izuku, his breath catching in his throat. He had never seen anyone more beautiful.

As Izuku took his first step down the aisle, his nerves threatened to overwhelm him. But with each step, he found strength in the love and support radiating from their friends and family. The closer he got to Bakugo, the more his nervousness transformed into a deep sense of joy and excitement.

Finally, they stood face to face, their eyes locked in a loving gaze. The officiant began the ceremony, their words a blur to Izuku and Bakugo as they focused solely on each other. Their hands trembled as they exchanged vows, their voices filled with emotion. The room was filled with a hushed silence, everyone captivated by the raw love and vulnerability shared between the two.

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