Venomous man

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Bakugo and Izuku sat in a cozy booth at the restaurant, enjoying a moment of peace after Izuku's therapy session. They were engrossed in conversation, their laughter filling the air, when suddenly, a shadow loomed over them. It was Dabi, Izuku's ex-partner, and his presence sent a shiver down Izuku's spine.

Izuku's trembling hand gripped the edge of the table, unable to meet Dabi's gaze. Dabi's voice dripped with venom as he insulted Izuku for leaving him and being with another man. The words cut deep, reopening old wounds that Izuku had been working so hard to heal.

Bakugo's eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He couldn't stand to see Izuku being belittled and hurt. In a burst of rage, he stood up abruptly, his voice booming through the restaurant as he screamed in Dabi's face, causing a scene that caught the attention of everyone around them.

Dabi, not one to back down, activated his flame quirk, flames dancing menacingly around his body. Bakugo's own explosion quirk ignited, sparks flying as his old aggressive side resurfaced. The air crackled with tension as the two faced off, their powers ready to clash.

Izuku's heart raced, fear coursing through his veins. But deep down, he knew that Bakugo would never hurt him. He trusted in their bond, in the love they shared. With trembling hands, he reached out and placed a reassuring touch on Bakugo's arm, silently reminding him of their strength together.

Dabi's insults continued, his voice filled with venomous rage. He screamed at Izuku, demanding that he know his place and come back to him. But Bakugo had reached his limit. His eyes blazed with determination as he lunged forward, engaging in a fierce battle with Dabi.

Explosions and flames filled the restaurant, the clash of their powers echoing through the air. Tables and chairs were knocked aside, bystanders scrambling to safety. Bakugo fought with a ferocity fueled by his protectiveness over Izuku, his determination to keep him safe.

With each explosion, Bakugo's power grew stronger, his resolve unyielding. He skillfully dodged Dabi's attacks, countering with his own explosive blows. The battle raged on, the intensity escalating, until finally, Bakugo's strength and determination prevailed.

Dabi lay defeated on the ground, his flames extinguished. He had protected Izuku, defended their love, and shown Dabi that he would never allow him to harm Izuku again.

Bakugo stood over the defeated Dabi, his chest heaving with exertion, his eyes filled with a dangerous glint. A grin spread across his face, but it was not one of triumph or satisfaction. It was a grin tinged with madness, fueled by the desire to protect Izuku at any cost.

In that moment, Bakugo's mind was clouded by a single thought - to end Dabi, to ensure that he could never harm Izuku again. He believed that by eliminating Dabi, he would free Izuku from the shackles of fear and allow him to live a life without constant worry.

His quirk crackled to life once more, ready to deliver the final blow. But before he could act, Izuku ran towards Bakugo, his arms outstretched, wrapping them tightly around him.

Tears streamed down Izuku's face as he pleaded with Bakugo, his voice filled with desperation and love. "Kacchan, please... It's okay. I'm okay. You don't need to do this. You're not like this, your a hero, your my hero."

Bakugo's eyes widened, his grip on his quirk faltering. He looked down at Izuku, his heart pounding in his chest. The madness that had consumed him began to fade, replaced by the realization of what he was about to do.

He slowly lowered his arms, his quirk dissipating, as he took in the sight of Izuku's tear-streaked face. The love and trust in Izuku's eyes reminded him of the hero he aspired to be, the hero who protected and saved lives, not one who sought revenge.

A mixture of relief and guilt washed over Bakugo as he wrapped his arms around Izuku, holding him tightly. He buried his face in Izuku's hair, his voice filled with a mix of remorse and gratitude. "Izuku... I'm sorry. You're right. I won't let him take away anything thing else from anyone."

Izuku clung to Bakugo, his voice filled with relief and understanding. "Thank you, Kacchan. I know it's hard, but your stronger than him. You won't give into the darkness."

They stood there, locked in an embrace, the weight of their shared experiences and the strength of their trust enveloping them. Bakugo realized that he didn't need to succumb to darkness to protect Izuku. He could be the hero Izuku believed him to be, the hero who would fight for justice without losing himself.

Bakugo made a silent promise to himself and to Izuku. He would continue to be their shield, their protector, but he would do it within the boundaries of heroism.

Bakugo handed Dabi over to the police, his expression resolute and determined. Izuku watched in awe as his love took charge, ensuring that justice would be served. It was a surreal moment for Izuku, who had always believed that Dabi was untouchable, a dark god who operated above the law.

But now, right before his eyes, the tables had turned. Bakugo had defeated the monster that had haunted Izuku's memories, and Dabi would finally face the consequences of his actions. The weight of relief washed over Izuku, a feeling he had never thought possible. With Bakugo by his side, he knew he would be safe, and justice would prevail.

As Bakugo gave his statement to the authorities, Izuku watched with a mix of admiration and gratitude. He saw the fire in Bakugo's eyes, the unwavering determination to protect not only Izuku but also others who might fall victim to Dabi's cruelty. Bakugo's words were strong and resolute, painting a vivid picture of the pain and suffering they had endured at Dabi's hands.

The witnesses at the restaurant also stepped forward, providing their accounts of the events that had unfolded. Their testimonies, combined with Bakugo and Izuku's statements, formed a solid case against Dabi. The weight of their collective voices echoed through the room, a chorus of truth and justice.

Finally, the moment arrived when Dabi was escorted away in an armored car. Izuku's gaze followed the vehicle, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions. It was a bittersweet sight, knowing that the man who had caused him so much pain would now face the consequences of his actions.

But amidst the bitterness, there was overwhelming relief. Izuku felt a newfound sense of safety and security, knowing that with Bakugo by his side, justice would be served. The dark cloud that had loomed over him for so long was finally dissipating, replaced by a glimmer of hope and a belief in a brighter future.

As Izuku turned his attention back to Bakugo, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. He reached out and took Bakugo's hand, intertwining their fingers. It was a silent gesture, a way of expressing his appreciation for everything Bakugo had done and would continue to do.

Izuku finally felt like his life could start again. And he would embrace it full force.

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