Years have passed

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Years had passed, and Bakugo had risen to become the number one hero, admired and respected by all. But despite his success, the absence of Izuku still weighed heavily on his heart. Every day, as he carried out his duties as a hero, he couldn't help but keep an eye out for any sign of his long-lost friend.

In the midst of saving lives and fighting villains, Bakugo's mind would often wander back to the memories he shared with Izuku. He would catch himself scanning the crowds, hoping to catch a glimpse of that familiar green hair or those determined eyes. But time and time again, his search proved fruitless.

The pain of Izuku's absence never faded. It was a constant ache, a reminder of the bond they once shared and the void that remained. Bakugo couldn't help but wonder where Izuku was, what he was doing, and if he was safe. The guilt of not being able to protect him, of not being there when he needed him the most, gnawed at his conscience.

But Bakugo refused to give up hope. He knew that as long as there was a chance, no matter how slim, he would continue to search for Izuku. He would use his position as the number one hero to leverage resources, to gather information, and to keep the flame of hope alive.

In his quiet moments, when the world was still and the weight of his responsibilities lifted momentarily, Bakugo would allow himself to imagine a reunion with Izuku. He would envision the joy and relief on his friend's face, the tears of happiness that would flow freely. He held onto the belief that one day, their paths would cross again, and they would be able to pick up where they left off.

And so, Bakugo carried on, fighting for justice and protecting those in need, all the while keeping a vigilant eye out for any trace of Izuku. He knew that the road ahead was uncertain, but he was determined to never stop searching, to never give up on the hope of finding his long-lost friend.

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