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One year and a half had passed since that fateful encounter with Dabi, and Izuku had made incredible strides in his journey towards healing. With the unwavering support of Bakugo and his mother, Inko, by his side, he had grown stronger and healthier, both physically and emotionally.

Izuku continued attending therapy sessions, and with each passing day, he found himself shedding the weight of his past. The scars may still linger, but they no longer defined him. He had come out of his shell, his once-muted voice now resonating with confidence and strength.

Surrounded by the love and care of his chosen family, Izuku flourished. He laughed freely, his smile genuine and infectious. He embraced his loved ones openly, unafraid to show affection and receive it in return. The walls that had once confined him had crumbled, replaced by a newfound sense of peace and contentment.

Bakugo, true to his word, had tirelessly tracked down every person who had hurt Izuku and the others found with him. With the evidence gathered, justice was served, and those responsible were put behind bars. The weight of their actions no longer burdened Izuku's shoulders, for he knew that they would face the consequences of their cruelty.

Inspired by his own journey, Izuku found a calling in becoming a motivational speaker. He used his voice to shed light on the horrors of domestic violence and human trafficking, advocating for the rights and voices of the victims. He worked alongside survivors, offering them support and a platform to share their stories, ensuring that their voices were heard and their pain acknowledged.

Izuku's transformation into a beacon of hope and resilience was a testament to his own strength and the unwavering support of Bakugo and Inko. They stood by his side, offering guidance, love, and encouragement every step of the way. Inko, a pillar of strength and compassion, a mother to not only Izuku but to many others who sought solace and understanding.

Together, they formed a formidable team, fighting against the darkness that had once consumed Izuku's life. They celebrated each milestone, no matter how small, and reveled in the joy of seeing Izuku reclaim his life and become the hero he had always dreamed of being.

As Izuku stood before a crowd, his voice steady and filled with conviction, he knew that he had found his purpose. He looked out at the faces of those who had gathered to listen, their eyes filled with hope and gratitude. In that moment, he realized that his own journey of healing had become a beacon of light for others, inspiring them to find their own strength and reclaim their lives.

And as he stepped off the stage, he was met with the warm embrace of Bakugo and Inko, their smiles mirroring his own. They knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with love, resilience, and the unwavering belief that together, they could make a difference.

Izuku was finally the hero he had always dreamed of being, not just for others, but for himself. And with the love and support of his family, he knew that he would continue to shine brightly, illuminating the path for others to find their own strength and reclaim their own lives.

Breaking the Chains: Escaping the Shadows of Abuse BKDKWhere stories live. Discover now