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As the trial stretched on for weeks, each day brought forth the harrowing stories of abuse suffered by Dabi's victims, including Izuku. The courtroom was filled with tears as the victims bravely shared their experiences, their pain resonating with everyone present. After each testimony, Izuku offered solace and support, holding them close as they cried, providing a shoulder to lean on in their shared anguish.

Finally, the time came for the verdict to be read. The tension in the courtroom was palpable as everyone held their breath, waiting for the juror to deliver the outcome. The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict, and the juror confirmed that they had.

In a voice that carried through the silence, the juror declared the verdict against Dabi and his four accomplices. The charges of human trafficking, grooming of minors with intent to cause bodily harm, domestic violence, and assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to cause bodily injury were all met with a resounding guilty verdict. The room erupted with a mix of relief and joy, tears of happiness streaming down the faces of the victims and their supporters.

The judge, with a stern expression, announced the sentences. "We sentence Dabi and his four accomplices to two consecutive thirty-five-year sentences, without the possibility of parole," the judge declared. The weight of the sentence hung heavy in the air, a reflection of the severity of their crimes.

Izuku, overwhelmed with emotions, fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. The nightmare that had haunted him and the others was finally over. The weight of the guilty verdict and the lengthy sentences brought a sense of closure and justice. It was a bittersweet victory, knowing that their abusers would be held accountable for their heinous actions and would spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

Bakugo, unable to contain his own emotions, rushed to Izuku's side, enveloping him in a warm embrace. They both cried, their tears mingling together, a release of pent-up emotions and a celebration of the justice that had been served. Bakugo held Izuku tightly, offering comfort and support, their bond stronger than ever.

Leaving the courtroom, Bakugo shielded Izuku's face from the prying eyes of the press, guiding him to their car. The ride home was filled with a comforting silence, their hands intertwined, a silent understanding passing between them.

Arriving home, they retreated to their bed, seeking solace in each other's arms. They held each other tightly, basking in the warmth of their love and the victory they had achieved. The weight of the trial slowly lifted from their shoulders, replaced by a sense of peace and happiness.

In that moment, they found solace in their shared victory, cherishing the love and support they had for one another. They knew that the road to healing would still be long, but they were ready to face it together, their bond unbreakable.

As they lay in bed, their hearts filled with gratitude and relief, they knew that they had emerged from the darkness stronger than ever. The nightmare was finally over, and they could now embrace a future filled with hope, love, and the knowledge that justice had been served.

Breaking the Chains: Escaping the Shadows of Abuse BKDKWhere stories live. Discover now