New developments

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Bakugo carefully filled the bathtub with warm water, preparing it for Izuku's bath. As he turned to help Izuku undress, he noticed the fear in his friend's eyes. Confusion flickered across Bakugo's face, trying to understand why Izuku was so hesitant.

It took a moment for Bakugo to realize the source of Izuku's distress. He gently placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, his voice filled with reassurance. "Izuku, I won't look. I promise. I'm here to help you, to clean your wounds and make sure you're okay."

Izuku's panic began to subside, but his guard remained high. He cautiously nodded, still unsure if he could fully trust Bakugo. With Bakugo's guidance, Izuku reluctantly allowed himself to be undressed, keeping his gaze averted to maintain his sense of privacy.

Bakugo's heart raced as he fought against his own desires. He had been secretly in love with Izuku for a long time, but he knew that now was not the time to act on those feelings. He had to prioritize Izuku's well-being and focus on helping him heal.

As Bakugo carefully cleaned each injury, his touch gentle and considerate, he couldn't help but steal glances at Izuku's beauty. His heart ached with longing, but he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, reminding himself of the importance of gaining Izuku's trust.

Throughout the process, Bakugo continued to resist the temptation to act on his feelings. He spoke softly, offering words of encouragement and support, hoping to break down the walls that separated them. He wanted Izuku to feel safe and cared for, regardless of his own desires.

Bakugo, wanting to make Izuku feel more comfortable, quickly fetched a pair of his own clothes. As he handed them to Izuku, his eyes couldn't help but linger on how amazing Izuku looked in his oversized shirt. The desire to reach out and touch him surged within Bakugo, but he immediately noticed Izuku flinch.

Realizing his mistake, Bakugo took a step back, his voice filled with concern. "Izuku, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Can I carry you to the kitchen? We can get something to eat."

Izuku hesitated, his guard still up, but after a moment, he nodded hesitantly, granting Bakugo permission. Bakugo carefully scooped Izuku up into his arms, making sure to support him securely. He could feel the tension in Izuku's body, a reminder of the trust that still needed to be rebuilt.

As Bakugo carried Izuku to the kitchen, he focused on being gentle and considerate, mindful of Izuku's comfort. He kept his gaze forward, resisting the urge to let his desire take over. He wanted to show Izuku that he could be trusted, that his intentions were genuine.

Once they reached the kitchen, Bakugo gently set Izuku down, making sure he was stable before releasing his hold. He gave Izuku a small smile, trying to convey his sincerity. "I'll make us something to eat. You can sit here and rest."

Izuku nodded, still guarded but slowly starting to feel a glimmer of trust. Bakugo prepared a simple meal, keeping an eye on Izuku as he did so. He wanted to make sure his friend felt safe and cared for, even if his own desires were difficult to ignore.

Bakugo had prepared a simple meal, considering Izuku's weakened state. He placed the plate down in front of Izuku, along with a glass of orange juice, knowing it was his favorite. Izuku's eyes lit up with gratitude as he started to eat, savoring each bite. Bakugo had always been a skilled cook, and seeing Izuku enjoy his food brought a small sense of satisfaction.

They ate in silence, Bakugo giving Izuku some space to enjoy his meal. He sat on the arm of the sofa, not straying too far, wanting to be there in case Izuku needed him. As they continued eating, a sudden loud boom echoed from above, startling them both. Izuku, overcome with fear, stumbled out of his chair and instinctively leaped into Bakugo's arms, causing the food to spill onto the floor and the plate to shatter.

Bakugo held Izuku tightly, his protective instincts kicking in. He reassured him in a soothing voice, stroking his curls gently. "It's okay, Izuku. It's just someone using their quirk. There's nothing to be afraid of. I've got you."

Izuku clung to Bakugo, seeking comfort and safety in his embrace. Bakugo held him securely, providing a warm and protective shelter. He continued to stroke Izuku's hair, offering a sense of calm and reassurance.

In that moment, Bakugo's love for Izuku intensified. He cherished the vulnerability and trust Izuku placed in him.

Bakugo noticed the worry in Izuku's eyes as he looked down at the mess he had made. He gently turned Izuku's face towards him, his touch tender and comforting. He reassured Izuku, his voice filled with understanding and kindness. "Izuku, I'm not angry. It's okay, accidents happen. Don't worry about it."

As Bakugo wiped away Izuku's tears, his gaze couldn't help but linger on the smaller male's face. He admired Izuku's beauty, his heart yearning for more. His eyes were drawn to Izuku's lips, aching to feel them against his own, but he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on comforting Izuku instead.

Izuku's heart fluttered at Bakugo's attention, his emotions conflicted. He was still afraid, knowing that being too eager for affection had led to his past hurts. But he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards Bakugo. He recognized the changes in him, the way he had grown into an attractive and strong man.

However, Izuku knew he had to be cautious and guard himself. He couldn't let his guard down completely, not yet. He needed to rebuild his trust in Bakugo, to ensure that their relationship was built on a solid foundation of understanding and respect.

In that moment, as Bakugo continued to comfort him, Izuku felt a glimmer of hope. He saw the genuine care and concern in Bakugo's eyes, and it gave him pause he had never seen bakugo so kind to anyone.

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