An Uncourteous Encounter

978 9 5

I felt frozen in time.

I didn't know it would escalate to this. I didn't have a clue one of the members would even have a weapon in their possession in the first place. My mind raced to Ria. What if Bill also had a gun? Although Bill seemed fairly kind, there was something off about it all. I just hoped that Ria was ok. I mean, she probably is. After all, she wanted to get in Bill's car willingly. She would do anything for Bill; even ignore her best friend. Tears began welling up in my eyes at the thought of all this. I slowly closed my eyes to stop any tears from falling, I  opened them back up again once they disappeared.

One thing I was certain of, this was more than a car racing group Ria and I thought we were going to. They seemed more like a gang at this rate if the other members possessed deadly weapons too.

I noticed Tom eyeing me in his rearview mirror, his gun was still aimed at my forehead.

"Don't talk back like that again. Otherwise, we are gonna have problems" He said with an unchanging expression.

Tom slowly lowered the Glock and put it back in his baggy pants which I now noticed had a concealed gun holster strapped underneath. I felt the Audi rapidly charging through the road, the rumbling seemed to be minimal in Tom's car compared to Bill's surprisingly.

We were zipping through the Tokyo streets, which seemed lifeless now because of how late in the night it was. Not a soul was strutting down the sidewalks. It felt like a horrible dream.

Except I couldn't escape it.

I turned to look out the window, only to feel the car going faster and faster. Maybe my stomach felt it first because it was doing backflips again. Tom kept looking in his rearview mirror and back at the road. This dude just wouldn't take his eyes off me! I didn't care that Tom was famous, I didn't like this guy's attitude at all. I disliked everything about him. Every time his eyes fell on me it made me shudder. The fact that he was so desperate to find a woman that he resorted to abducting me really tells me all I needed to know. I wanted all this nonsense to be over.

I felt my surroundings disappear beside me when I wanted to look out the car window "Jesus Christ!" I yelled, but the vehicle just kept speeding up.

Tom's Audi was way faster than Bill's. I wondered before what it would be like in the winner's death box, and now I knew. I regretted ever wondering. I looked back at the rearview mirror Tom saw me in. At this point, I was fuming.

My eyes darted to Tom's speedometer. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The arrow pointed to 350 mph, and the max speed of the car ended at 900 mph.

"How the hell does an Audi go so damn fast?! Last time I checked, they didn't!"

Tom's eyes peered at the road in front of him like a hungry predator.

"This isn't a regular car" He briefly looked at his tinted windows before whipping his steering wheel to the right.

The car didn't make a sound. None of the wheels tilted either, it was a perfectly stable turn with all four wheels continuously planted on the road. As we finished the turn, I felt the car slowing down a bit. I was finally able to sit up without being jerked around in the car constantly.

Tom looked back at me while continuing to drive, his eyes lost in adrenaline "It features incredible traction" he said, laughing at my appalled expression.

"Just wait until the police get involved" I snapped at him.

"Did your little friend not tell you who we are?"

"You're a silly car racing group, one that should be behind bars. In this case, you're all probably a gang with the way you act!"

"The police won't do shit, they're scared of us. Since your little friend didn't introduce you to us properly, we are Tokio Hotel; the fastest car group in Tokyo. I'll make that unforgettable to you" he turned to look at me and smirked "Miss Universe"

I felt myself physically cringe "Don't ever call me that"

"I thought that was a good one-" Before Tom could finish his sentence, his words were interrupted by a sudden bang on the left side of his car.

The noise made me jump and my heart began pounding. It was a bullet, and it obliterated the left side of Tom's car after a single shot.

"MOTHERFUCKERS" Tom slammed his fists furiously on the steering wheel and rolled down his window.

"Hey, asshole! You ruined my fucking car!" He screamed out at the vehicle beside us.

I was too busy losing my mind to make out what kind of car was after us. All I could see was Tom pulling out his gun again and extending his arm out of his rolled down window. As he turned the gun on its side, Tom began pulling the trigger. Bullets began flying out one after the other. I covered my ears as I felt my head start to ring over the blaring shots of brutality. I was trembling a bit and I didn't know what was happening. Will I die? How can I survive this? Those were just some of the many questions swarming my brain.

A popping noise went off, it sounded like it came from one of Tom's tires.

"FUCKING BITCH" Tom shouted, his foot slammed on the brakes.

My whole body jolted forward, causing my shoulder to smack against the front seat of the car forcibly. I'm definitely gonna get a bruise from that. I sighed with annoyance and slowly raised my head back up to see where I even was.

The surrounding area seemed to be a forest. Trees towered over the road, while the night illuminated a shining moon above it all. It looked like we were on a road that was built on a high cliff, Tokyo was now just a small oasis of flickering lights from here. We were out of the city so quickly, and far away from the apartment. That's for sure.

The mysterious car that was shooting at us halted only a couple feet across Tom's Audi, I could finally make out its deep gray color.

Tom looked at me "Stay in the car" he said with an enraged voice and got out of his Audi.

As my eyes peered to see who the shooter was, it appeared to be a man in an all-black suit and tie that was stepping out of the gray car. He began waltzing on over slowly towards Tom. The man had an eerily wide smile spread across his face and was bald. What really caught me off guard was his elegant attire. It looked like he just got back from a fancy dinner or something.

"Tom Kaulitz! It's me, your old friend, Seiji. Out on your nightly speed races once more I see!" Seiji's voice beamed joyfully.

"You're far from a friend, Seiji. What do you want?" Tom spat, his hand gripping his gun still.

The man in the suit chuckled loudly and dug his hands in his pockets, pulling out a pair of silky white gloves.

Seiji slowly began putting them on as he spoke "I think we all know what I want"

Jesus, what the hell is happening? Seiji had such a strange attitude. After nearly getting shot and killing us, he was so upbeat and cheerful.

Seiji dramatically turned around and lifted his hands in the air "As a matter of fact" he spun back around to face Tom "all of Tokyo wants it too"

He lowered his arms while still smiling widely. Seiji's presence felt menacing.

This felt like a good time to escape. Tom was too distracted by some weird criminal who messed up his precious car. My hand slowly reached towards the door handle.

"I want those blueprints, Mr. Kaulitz" Seiji flashed a crooked smile.

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