Broken Bonds

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Moments later, I ended up calling Bill. He really was my only option. I don't think I could have called Ria without having Bill showing up anyway.

I just ran away from where Tom was standing. I couldn't stand looking at him anymore, and Yumi's corpse sprawled out on the ground like that... There was no way I was staying in that parking lot any longer. God forbid I would even enter Tom's car. Instead, when Bill arrived with Ria I was able to get into his red Audi and breathe calmly for a bit. I was fine for a while, I didn't say a word to Ria and just closed my eyes as Bill quickly began driving away. When Ria asked me what was wrong, it's then that I uncontrollably burst into sobs.

"Oh my god Ria, Yumi is gone! She's gone..." I couldn't stop crying, the tears just kept coming.

I thought I could just hold it in, but it was impossible the moment Ria asked that question. What happened was something only nightmares were made of.

Bill was dead silent that whole time. Not a word escaped his lips. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks as I explained all of what I witnessed out in that vacant parking lot. It made me infuriated, how could Bill remain silent after his brother murdered someone without any actual reasoning? While at the same time all Ria did was look over at Bill with concern, just say something already!

I couldn't get Yumi's distressed face before she got shot out of my mind, her eyes looked so sad. Then there was Tom, who just stood there and watched his victim echo their last breath and topple over onto the ground. The memory of it made me sick to my stomach. I'll never be able to wipe it away from my consciousness.

Once we arrived at the house, I couldn't really remember exactly what had happened. The whole day was nothing but a blur to me. I ended up in Tom's room with Ria, that's about all I could recall. I'm never drinking again. I felt so out of it. I was sitting on the floor next to the bed, while Ria was texting on her phone and pacing around anxiously.

It's like all my senses have stopped properly functioning. Why was I in Tom's room in the first place? Even being in this room alone made me want to hurl. Tom's scent, the stupid guitar by his bedside, everything in this room made my stomach turn!

My eyes stung from how long I had been crying. I don't even know how long I was crying exactly. I really have lost any and all sense of time. I'm just going to assume it's been a while since my head is pounding.

Now that I've stopped bawling my eyes out, all I felt was outrage. It coursed through my body, I had never known I could hold so much hatred until now.

I began shouting at Ria "Why did you ever want to go to that goddamn car meet and drag me along with you! I didn't ask for this, we would've never met any of these rats in the first place if we just stayed home!"

Ria looked up from her phone and stopped dead in her tracks "Are you fucking shitting me Taylor? You keep blaming me for something that I never imagined would have happened to us!" She yelled "I never wanted to put you in danger Tayl-"

"Yeah, and just wait. First it was Yumi, and then it will be me once Tom gets mad over something small and insignificant. For you, it'll be when Bill gets tired of you and wants to find someone else. He will just have to end you. How many more women have to suffer from this?!"

"Bill would never do that!" Ria screamed.

Is Ria being serious right now?! Is she just prancing around in her own little fantasy world or something? How could she still like Bill after he said nothing about Yumi dying?! Bill was so casual, just putting his arm around Ria while a corpse was in front of him. He probably thought what his brother did was justified.

I scoffed at Ria "You have always been so delusional. That's why your relationships don't work out and never will because you keep feeding your fantasies"

Ria didn't say anything. Her mouth dropped opened slightly from the pure shock at what I had just said.

Why did I say that to her?

Her eyes filled with a look of betrayal "So that's what you think of me" Ria turned her back to me "Well, I'm glad I finally know the truth then"

I didn't mean to say any of that to her, I was just talking out of my ass from all the rage that was pent up inside me "That's not what I meant Ria, I got way too upset there... I just don't want you getting hurt too"

Tears welled up in Ria's eyes, but her voice remained strong as she spoke "Bullshit! You're always criticizing me, always pointing out my flaws. What a great friend you are Taylor! Everyone else does it too..." Ria paused briefly before speaking again "...Besides Bill. People always think I'm an airhead. I'm tired of it! So fucking tired!"

My heart sank.

"I'm so tired" Ria whispered shakily as her tears fell onto the floor one after another.

I've made a huge mistake. I didn't mean what I had said. Goddammit. Im always fucking something up, Yumi died because of me and now I've hurt Ria; my only friend. That just goes to show how idiotically I approached everything.

The door to Tom's room whipped open and hit the wall with a loud thud. It was none other than Tom of course, the last person I would've wanted to see was back.

I saw no point in saying anything to him at all, since he shot Yumi with no hesitation when she merely talked back to him. Wouldn't be any different with me I bet. For all I know, Ria and I could be next in line on his hit list. I couldn't even call the police at this point because the authorities are apparently scared of the gang. Nothing would be done to help us, we were too deep into this shit show to ever get away from it.

Both Ria and I stared off into space as Tom began talking "Gustav told me Yumi's body was gone after we left. Another gang is probably trying to fuck us over and set up some sort of trap"

Yumi's body was gone? That made no sense. Tom looked over at me, regret seemed to be spread across his face. As if it mattered that he felt any sorrow for what he did now all of a sudden.

He spoke again "Gustav, Bill, Georg, and I will get to the bottom of it"

I said nothing. There were no words left to say; especially to Tom.

He looked away and closed the door behind him.

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