Words Unspoken

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The unforgettable performance came to an end. The sun began its descent and the sky unfolded a breathtaking display of blues, purples, and pinks. Each shade was seamlessly merging with the next. The guys were still playing around a bit on the stage, and Bill was chatting with Gustav while interacting with the crowd. Plushies and roses were being thrown at his feet. Bill picked up one of the teddy bears laying on the ground and placed it on Gustav's head.

Gustav tolerated it.

Tom on the other hand was beginning to make his way down the stage, walking through the stairs located on the right side of the colossal platform. His guitar was still on him, and one of his hands held on to the neck of it. Tom was on the same ground level as I was now.

Wait a minute.. Is he coming over towards me?! There were so many people everywhere though, I wasn't sure if he would be able to get through them all.

Luckily as Tom started to make his way, the crowd willingly made space for him, allowing him to move forward steadily. Applause and cheers accompanied the passage of the talented guitarist. They patted Tom on the back while some of the girls pulled on his hoodie, shouting out happy birthday left and right. Tom slowly nudged the girls away and chuckled at their flirty attempts.

The number of people here continued to astonish me. I got pushed around quite a bit by the crowd and was practically in the last row now rather than being close to the front with the girls like I used to be. Things got intense fairly quickly during this performance, so much so that I ended up losing sight of Morgan and Lauren altogether. I bit my lip anxiously as Tom made his way closer towards me.

Tom reminded me of Moses with the way he moved through the sea of people; magically dividing to allow him passage. A small path was slowly being formed just for him. The audience turned their attention back to the stage as Bill, Georg, and Gustav began playing another song.

Tom was in front of me now, stopping in his tracks and towering over me like he always did. I lifted my head up slightly to look at him properly. Purple smoke billowed from the stage, some of it drifting and carrying over with the gentle breeze to where Tom and I stood.

I found myself speaking in a soft voice, even though I could barely contain my excitement after witnessing such a passionate performance just moments ago "You were amazing out there"

He had that serious expression again, and I found it momentarily difficult to properly formulate my words.

"Happy birthday Tom" I finally uttered.

Tom smirked "Thanks Taylor, I'm glad you're here" he placed his free hand on my arm, slowly rubbing his thumb back and forth against it "You look absolutely stunning"

"Well, you look very handsome" I said, smiling.

Tom looked down. To my surprise, he was slightly blushing while chuckling a bit at my comment. My heart thumped. I don't think I've ever seen him react this way. It always seemed like Tom kept up a firm wall, shielding me from knowing any of his emotions. Now, it's like that wall was slowly crumbling.

Tom met my eyes again "I know"


I glared at him "Shut up!" because of course he says that after I complimented him!

Tom let go of my arm and laughed. There was a brief moment of silence, and the only thing I could hear now were the faint tunes emitting from Georg's bass.

Tom's face went back to a stern expression again as he said "Taylor, I want you to be my only girl"

My eyes widened.

I felt his hand intertwined with mine as he spoke "I'm dead serious. I'm done playing stupid games. I didn't understand what I've been feeling, it was really hard for me to get it..." Tom glanced away from my gaze, pausing briefly before talking again "Now I finally do" he looked back at me once more "I want you to be the only one for me. No one else. I want to love you with everything I've got"

Everything that I was trying to understand was slipping from my thoughts. Is Tom actually confessing to me? My heart beat increased, but my mind was scrambled. I loved Tom, but did he actually mean what he was saying? When I looked at him, his eyes were so genuine, I could tell he meant what he had said. It was just difficult for me to process. All I knew was that Tom's wall was finally falling before me.

"You won't have any other side chicks?

Tom shook his head "No one else"

"I like you too Tom, but you also treated me like trash so many times!"

I really despised all the times he treated me so poorly, even if I liked him so much.

"I've been that way for so long-"

"What? An asshole?"

"Yes. I've never felt this way about any girl before. I tried to ignore my feelings for you and just go out with other women. I thought that way I'd eventually get over my emotions. I couldn't. It was wrong, I was an idiot" Tom shook his head in disappointment "The truth is, I adore every moment I can have with you Taylor. I can't resist the way you draw me in"

I couldn't believe everything I was hearing. I'm finally getting some sort of explanation from Tom instead of being left guessing. I guess before, since he was facing all these strong feelings for me, Tom didn't want them to be true?

Yet, here we are now.

"I want to be your only one, so please keep it that way" I emphasized.

"I will. We don't want anybody else in our love bubble, right? Just us, nobody else"

I smiled warmly at Tom and nodded my head.

"If anyone tries to hurt you, they're dead"

"Jeez, I'll be fine Tom! You already taught me a lot and my karate lessons are paying off"

"I'm glad, but my statement stands"

I mean, I hope he is aware that I can whoop anyone out of existence if needed. I've learned so much this past week: How to protect myself, handling various weapons, and combat. Before, I knew absolutely nothing. I used to be helpless in this nightmarish life.

"I love the present you got me. Bill liked the box of skittles the most" Tom chuckled.

"Lauren did that for him!" I grinned "I'm happy you like your gift"

"I do. Most of all, I'm glad you're here"

As twilight began its descent, the light of day was replaced by darkness. The stage began radiating glowing lights forming into a mesmerizing display that lit up across the entire event; breaking it free from the emerging night. Stars speckled the glorious sky. It made Tokyo emerge like a vibrant tapestry that glowed with its kaleidoscope-like hues all across the nightly ambience, the way it always had. It was just like the first day I had arrived to the bustling metropolis.

Tom's gaze intensified with tenderness as he spoke to me "Remember when I said I would tell you where they are?" He gently took my hand and placed it against his guitar, his eyes burning like fire.

I silently gasped and felt a shiver run down my spine. The blueprints!

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