One of Many

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When Seiji mentioned something about the blueprints, it intrigued me a bit. Not that I wanted to know more on what all this was about, but I guess Tom had something Seiji was yearning for. This group is getting themselves into shit that was far beyond what Ria and I were expecting. First, we were offered a ride with the most famous people in Tokyo, and then we got abducted. Well, technically I did because Ria went with Bill willingly. I really could not believe all this was happening. It was hard for me to process any of it. Talks of weirdly fast cars and blueprints?

Whatever. Seems like a Tom Kaulitz problem. I hope this Seiji guy knows that I want nothing to do with their issues. My hand slowly opened the car door as the two strange men continued to bicker. Luckily, I was perfectly quiet and they didn't hear a thing.

As I attempted to silently step out, I crouched down. My eyes darted around to see where I should silently escape. The forest was just to my left. Maybe if I somehow shimmy on over to the trees and disappear into the greenery Tom won't notice that I'm gone? God, anything to let me get away for just a couple of seconds; I would be able to hide somewhere. Then, I could find a police station nearby and get Ria out of this too.

As I began stepping out, I failed to realise just how tall the heels Ria picked out for me really were. Because I felt one of my heels getting caught on the bottom of the car door, I began losing my balance. Before having any time to recover myself, I fell to the ground with a loud thud onto my side.

"Fudge!" I howled in pain.

That was not how I wanted any of that to go at all. Tom and Seiji turned around to look at my sprawled out figure on the road.

"The fuck?" Tom said.

"Ah! And who is this? Your new woman? How many more will you have till you're satisfied, Mr. Kaulitz?" Seiji laughed loudly at the top of his lungs.

I groaned.

"Maybe a couple more" I heard Tom remark silently.

Did this asshole just decide to make me one of his women? In a million years. I am not gonna let that happen. I don't care if he had a gun or not, he can suck it. I'm over it. I steadily got up, my hand was gripping my now slightly bruised arm. The small scratches I got from the fall stung like hell. My face turned completely red and my ears burned with embarrassment. Now I have two idiots staring with their full attention on me.

"I'm no one's woman!" I hotly responded, Seiji better have a clear idea that I am in no way associated with Kaulitz.

He can torture Tom all he wants, but not me.

I lifted my finger up at Tom and began raising my voice "You have put me in this mess, in a situation I didn't even want to be in in the first place!" I furiously stomped toward him as I continued yelling "The audacity of you to think I'm some doll that will follow you around batting my eyelashes at you is your own little fantasy!" and spat at the ground, nearly hitting Tom's shoe.

Tom shoved his gun down his pants and snatched my wrist firmly, yanking me towards him. His face was practically breathing down on me. I looked away in disgust.

"Be quiet" he whispered bitterly.

Tom's stare could kill. I did not care at this point, it didn't phase me. I stared back just as furiously. He would be a dumbass to think his little attitude is enough to silence me.

Seiji pulled out a gold-plated desert eagle from his back pocket as he said "Now, I don't mean to intrude on your brawl... But perhaps couples therapy would benefit the two of you?"

The gun glistened in the hazy night as Seiji showed it off, waving it around like a child with their new toy. The wind seemed to pick up a bit, and the trees rustled with the motion of the breeze. A fog was swarming around the cars from how humid it was getting. The night felt infinite.

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