She Wore Leopard Print

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As our lips parted away from the amorous kiss, my heart was beating with tension. I didn't know if what I did was a mistake, or something I've been wanting to do. All I knew was that I had fallen for Tom Kaulitz.

The lights in the room faded into a deep purple hue. Time felt slow as the people behind us kept dancing some more.

I looked into Tom's eyes, anxious to see his expression. I don't think I've ever seen him with such a calm and warm energy surrounding him. Tom wasn't smiling at me after our lips parted, but his eyes looked like they were filled with a deep sea of emotions. The club lights shined down perfectly on his face. I breathed out a sigh of relief and laughed a bit at how ridiculous all this was. The alcohol was definitely hitting me. I couldn't stop smiling like a dumbass...

I heard a shriek suddenly erupt from the top of someone's lungs "EXCUSE ME!!!"

It was Yumi.

She grabbed Tom's arm and managed to yank him a bit towards her, breaking him away from the dance and shattering us from our eye contact "What the hell Tommy! Why are you still wasting your time with her?!"

Tom lifted the arm that Yumi was grabbing and shoved her away with force "Stop being so fucking clingy"

She fell back a bit. As she regained her balance, Yumi spiffed up her short bob before speaking.

God, there she goes again. Why does Yumi keep budging in? She will say something and Tom is probably gonna get mad at her all over again. Plus, Yumi got to have Tom so many times this week already. There is no harm in me wanting to be next for once.

Yumi looked me up and down in revulsion and waved her hands at me with rage while she spoke "Don't think you're so special, Taylor"

"I don't. I just think it's about time I had my chance. You are constantly with Tom anyway!" I spat back.

Yumi laughed like a maniac "Aw! How cute, the American girl thinks she has a chance to be Tom's favorite? There's a reason he hasn't taken you out anywhere for so long. What kind of guy would want to be around a hag like you! You can forget it. I'm his favorite. I mean, I already know som-"

"That's it" Tom interrupted Yumi and grabbed her by the wrist "You're bitching again. When you do that, I get fucked over"

I shuddered as I saw Tom's mood alter completely. Before I could intervene at all, Tom clenched Yumi's wrist even tighter and led her towards the exit doors of the club. He made them fly open as they both stormed out. The people in the club looked at all this commotion in confusion. I felt a pit forming in my stomach.

I felt horrible. I should have never disrupted Yumi's date like this. Her reaction was valid, what was I thinking? I could've just waited till I saw Tom by himself. I should have never had a sip of that alcohol. I should have never kissed Tom.

I should have never come to that car meet.

"I can't let this keep happening to her" I whispered to myself.

I felt panic wash over my body. Now it's because of me that Yumi is gonna get hurt again! I put her in danger. The only right thing I could do was stop it from happening.

I began power walking to the exit, gently nudging people out of the way to get through. When I finally got to the other end of that club, I pushed the door open. I stepped out and felt cold raindrops trickling down my skin. The streets had puddles forming and the city lights reflected beautifully off of them. I looked to my left and saw Tom taking Yumi into a dark alleyway. My eyes widened.

He won't hurt her, not on my watch.

My power walk turned into a light jog. I ran into the alleyway that I saw Tom take Yumi into. It felt gloomy and almost uncanny. Spiderwebs and cobwebs covered the walls, slushy piles of trash were hiding most of the ground. I covered my nose as I ran through the hellhole. When I looked up, the sky was pitch black. I couldn't even locate the moon because of how cloudy the night had become now.

I know Yumi has been nothing but rude ever since we met, but despite that, I wanted to help her. Someone could be the meanest being on the planet to me and I would still be compelled to help them if they were in danger. It's just the type of person I've always been. I didn't care. Yumi has suffered enough.

As I got to the end of the alleyway, it led out to a completely empty parking lot. I left the tall buildings behind me. I could not see a single car parked out there, besides one.

In the distance, I could see Tom and Yumi yelling at each other next to his car. It looked like the Audi had been fixed perfectly now, because it emitted its glowing noir color just like the first day I had seen it.

I could not make out what Tom and Yumi were saying to each other, they were so far out into the parking lot. I began to run towards them.

"Yumi! Tom!" I yelled out as I got closer and closer to the two.

I was able to make out Yumi's crying face. Mascara was running down her cheeks, and her puffy leopard patterned coat was soaked by rain now. Yumi hovered her hand over her head, but she was already completely drenched for that attempt to help at all.

While Tom stood his ground in the rain, droplets trickled down from his jaw, neck, and lightly soaked into his clothes. His face was unchanging now. It looked like there was some anger, but he just seemed so blank and emotionless with the way he stared at Yumi. His breathing was undisturbed, while Yumi's sporadic inhales and exhales kept erupting every now and again as she tried to form her words properly. She began walking off to get further away from Tom. Her head was shaking back and forth angrily. She turned back to yell something at him.

I was just a couple of feet away from them, until I caught the glimpse of Tom raising his gun at Yumi.

"NO!" I screamed.

Before Yumi could finish whatever she was yelling about, my ears rang as a bullet erupted and shot out from Tom's gun; flying straight into Yumi's chest.

I stopped dead in my tracks as the girl fell to her knees. Her body immediately went limp and she toppled over onto the ground with a loud thud.

My hand covered my mouth. This is the second time I'm seeing someone die in front of me. It's only been about two weeks or so, and I've already seen this guy kill off multiple people. I couldn't imagine how many more lives Tom could have probably ended in a month alone that I didn't know about. Sure, maybe they were after him, so he had to get rid of them. But what wrong did a girl like Yumi ever do other than get on his nerves sometimes?

My throat tightened into a knot.

Tom lowered his gun and observed Yumi's now motionless body lying in front of him. It was silent, just like he wanted. Only small drops of rain could be heard hitting the cool asphalt. It was hard for me to believe just minutes ago, we were dancing with each other. We even kissed. Now, Tom was positioned in front of a corpse.

Tom didn't look at me. His figure just stood there, next to that phantom car. It all felt so ghostly and unnerving; from the soft pitter-patter of rain, to the slow rumble of thunder travelling throughout the sky. The atmosphere felt suffocating, and I trembled with vexation.

Raindrops steadily drizzled down from my nose. I didn't know who I was looking at anymore. It felt like I was peering into the soul of a totally different person than the one I was dancing with.

Despite killing someone, only rage could be decoded from Tom's expression. Nothing more. There was no empathy pulsing through his veins.

What I was looking at was a monster.

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