The Palace of Glass

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"Turn it up!" Lauren laughed as I sped through Tokyo in Tom's car.

The radio blared with some kind of electronic music.

"You got it" I smiled and cranked up the radio's volume.

The beat was making the entire Audi pulsate as I sped through the road. We were getting closer to our destination and I wondered what Kristina's place was gonna look like. If her party is gonna be crappy, I'll just leave with Lauren. Simple as that.

I slowed down a bit as I found a place on the street to park at.

"So her majesty granted you permission to enter her palace?" Lauren said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Yeah, apparently" I rolled my eyes and laughed "how come Tom is so close with that bitch anyway?"

"Probably because Kristina constantly makes moves on him. She was so desperate for Tom when they first met. She did everything to stand out in front of him, that's why she asked her daddy for a white Corvette"

"So, it's all thanks to daddy's money?"

"Of course. She got everything handed to her in life. I feel like Tom is more of a thing she could show off in front of everyone, kinda like my Chanel bags!" Lauren laughed and hugged her black Chanel bag close to her chest while smiling, as though it were her child.

"Wow, I had no idea. Tom is so fond of her though"

"No offence Taylor, but the only way your worries will evaporate is when Tom gets neutered"

I turned the ignition to the car off and looked at Lauren with my mouth wide open, in utter shock at what I just heard.

"You know I'm speaking the truth Taylor," Lauren fixed up her long silky brown hair as she spoke "He drools over any girl as soon as she wears something skimpy"

Lauren was right. The first day I met Tom, he kept eyeing up those fangirls in the crowd and flirting with them. Plus, I think if I hadn't worn the outfit Ria gave me, Tom probably would've never noticed me. God, Lauren was so lucky to have a man that wasn't a player... Gustav and Georg both just had their eyes set on one person. I wasn't too sure about Bill though, he is Tom's twin after all. If I could I would ask Ria if Bill also had multiple women, but I don't think that's a possibility right now.

I wish I didn't get so upset with her that night...

I sighed "No- you're not wrong at all. You're lucky to not have feelings for a player"

"Girl, I thank Jesus everyday. I get you though in a way. Tom knows how to do a lot of things. He's amazing at the guitar, can sing, and he managed to engineer multiple cars that run at godly speeds. If he could, he would help humanity with that kind of innovation" Lauren inhaled deeply to catch her breathe in a humorous way before talking again "So yeah, I see where you're coming from"

I chuckled "Tom really could. I just don't know how he does all that. It's pretty amazing. I won't let Kristina think she is gonna have him all to herself. I want Tom to see me as someone worth being with"

Lauren smiled proudly at my comment "That's the spirit, don't let Kristina and her little attitude get to you! Oh, and most importantly don't change yourself for Tom. You're already pretty awesome. Now let's go party!"

I smiled and nodded my head. It was time to have some fun, and show Tom my attractive outfit. I opened the car door and walked over next to Lauren. I had a very confident stroll now, everyday I felt myself becoming more and more self-assured. Today, I wore a deep red dress, it was skin tight and had black outlines of roses throughout the fabric. While Lauren wore a white lantern sleeve dress that flowed gently in the breeze.

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