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Who Is She?

Carter's best friends decided to come over to his house, Kim, Tony, and Abraham, they've have been friends since elementary school and were bunch of trouble, good mischief, as close as their friendship is, they notice that as of late, Carter barely spends time with them and it was as if he's keeping to himself, the boys missed him especially how they hang out at each other's house and play games or go out to do something fun, but all of it has been happening without Carter who gives one excuse or the other.

"Yo dude, how is everything going?" Tony asked, playing the Kaw toys on the table.

Tony, been the person from the group that he had met first, very hilarious and honest as he cuts straight to the point, and he enjoyed having a great time. Abraham was more reserved, but he chimed in whenever he needs to, Kim, the smartest and kindest guy in the group, over time, he had learn to stand his ground and not let people take him for granted, he was someone that his friends beat up people for to keep him safe.

"It's been so long since we talked or seen you. Honestly, we thought you were dead, no cap!" Abraham said, feeling happy to see Carter again. A huge smile plastered on his face.

"We thought we could catch up and hang out like we used to do." Kim suggested, chewing lettuces.

"I don't really feel like going anywhere today, but you all could chill my house." He told them, placing his legs on the table. They all took off their shoes and put it in the shoe rack as Carter had indicated, saying that, no outdoor residue messes up his room, his friends laughed aloud.

"Wow, I never knew your room can be this clean!" Kim mentioned, being impressed by his cleanliness.

"I'm jealous. My room is never this spotless. Even when I try to clean it, it ends up getting messy again." Tony said.

"Please, teach us on how to keep our places clean!" Abraham pleaded.

"Abraham!" They chorused.

"Your room is more cleaner! So much for being OCD." Kim yelled, pointing a finger at him.

"Don't say that again." Toby warned.

"Oops!" Abraham said, stifling a laugh.

Carter shot him dagger looks, "boy! Leave my room, how dare you mock me."

"Calm down, Your Lordship." Abraham said, laughing hard.

"Back to you, Levine, teach us how to keep it clean." Tony begged, bowing his head.

"Why does it sound like, teach us how to keep our dick clean." Kim said, scrunching his nose.

Tony raised a brow at him and hissed.

"It's simple boys, don't make any messes. What helped me out is thinking about having a hot sexy woman in your crib." Carter told them, they all look bewildered by what he just said.

"What do you mean?" Abraham asked.

"You don't want to invite a hot sexy woman over when your house is dirty. That will be a major turnoff and she won't give you any pussy. But if it's clean, she will give you the best sex you can ever imagine." Carter explained, they all laughed.

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