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The sun had set and a murder of crows was flying just above the demon lord in the forest.

The demon lord was riding fast, not caring much about the horse's fatigue.

" You will get plenty of rest once we reach Moonbliss." The demon lord muttered to the horse.

" Every Runeguard knight who saw my face was killed by me. Its only the hero and his allies who can recognize me. This means I can stay at most places undetected as long as I don't grow my horns back." The demon lord thought.

Suddenly, the horse stopped.

In front of the forest route was a giant log that was blocking the path.

The demon lord got off the horse and walked towards the giant log.

" Hmm.... Seems too well placed to have accidentally fallen here." The demon lord thought.

" Looks like we have caught a beauty tonight, boys." A bandit said to his partners as the bunch emerged from the bushes and stood right behind the demon lord.

" And she looks hella rich too. Look at those clothes." Another bandit said with a chuckle.

However, the demon lord didn't even look at the bandits.

Instead, she raised the giant log single handedly, astonishing the bandits.

Before the bandits could even react, she threw the giant log at them, crushing and killing most of them.

" Aaaaaa!! Dammit!!!" A bandit screamed in pain as he dragged himself away, trying to flee back into the woods.

However the demon lord reached him in no time and crushed his skull in a single stomp.

Only a single female bandit was able to avoid the log.

She took out an old crossbow and pointed it at the approaching demon lord with shaky hands.

Her eyes widened in fear as she read the words on the demon lord's chest.

" Y-You are.....the demon lord?" She mumbled in fear.

The demon lord wasted no time and rushed ahead.

Before the bandit could even fire, the demon lord had raised her in the air by her throat.

" P-Please don't kill me..." The bandit mumbled in tears.

" Your fault for facing me. You shouldn't have seen my face."

Saying this, the demon lord snapped the bandit's neck like a twig.

Then she went around and collected whatever money the bandits had.

" Never thought I would have to loot such dirty corpses." The demon lord muttered in frustation.

Then without wasting any time, the demon lord quickly sat back on her horse and rode away.

It took the demon lord less than 15 minutes to reach the Moonbliss village after that encounter with bandits.

The demon lord rode slowly inside the village, looking around at the lanterns hanging on the houses and several merchants selling their stuff.

" So weird...." She mumbled to herself.

However there weren't many people on the streets since it was almost midnight and only a few desperate merchants and homeless people were around.

The demon lord took her horse to a stable and tied it up there.

" A public stable is a convenient system. That horse is only a burden if I am not riding it." The demon lord thought before walking away.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat