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Willy was having champagne in his garden while 2 ladies were fanning him.

One of the servants walked towards him.

" You locked her door?" Willy asked.

" Yes sir." The servant replied.

" Good. She can't go anywhere before the wedding. I just don't trust that tramp lover of hers. As long as I have her staff, she is powerless." Willy muttered with an evil smile.

Suddenly, a huge gush of wind sent leaves flying from the trees and bushes around the mansion.

As Willy cleared the dust from his eyes, he saw Neo standing in front of him wearing his old facemask.

" Willy Wellheat. A really popular guy nowadays all thanks to the woman you are clinging to." Neo said with a smile.

" Who the hell are you did you get here all of a sudden!?" Willy asked angrily.

He then looked at Neo's chest and saw his class.


" The heck is a class wielder doing here!? No way he would just randomly stumble upon here." Willy thought as he panicked a bit.

" I heard from a.....friend that you have been mistreating Erica lately. Even had the guts to hit her and take her possession away from her." Neo said.

Willy began sweating.

" H-How.....does he know? Did that bitch already have her spies near my mansion!?" He thought as he gritted his teeth.

" I don't know the heck you are talking about but I suggest you leave my property this instance!" Willy said angrily.

" Hmm....or what?" Neo asked, raising his eyebrows.

" That's it. I am done being civil! Get him off this property!" Willy ordered his 6 servants who started walking towards Neo.

" Really brother? Why drag them in this mess of yours? They can't even fight." Neo said.

" Still enough to take on one pesky intruder." Willy said with an evil grin.

Neo sighed as the servants tried to grab him.

" Bleakwind Blitz."

Suddenly, Neo vanished from their sight!!

Before the servants could realize, Neo was behind them!!

Neo kicked one of the servants in his nuts, making him howl in pain and fall.

As the servants turned around to punch Neo, he moved in front of them and started punching all of them in their guts and ribs at a lightning pace!

All the servants fell on the ground, groaning in pain.

" Woah....not only I can move fast but it seems that all my actions are fast when I activate this skill. Pretty cool." Neo thought, looking at his hands with a smirk.

Willy got up and tried to rush back into his mansion in fear.

Only for Raak to suddenly appear in front of him and hit him with a jump kick right in the face!!!

Raak too was wearing his old brown leaf mask.

Willy fell on the ground with a bleeding nose, shivering in fear.

"A-A T-Terravour!!" Willy exclaimed in fear.

Neo and Raak surrounded him.

" N-Not only will you two be locked up but that bitch's whole family will be ruined after I tell my dad about this!!" Willy yelled as tears came from his eyes.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now