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A meeting was being held at the dinning room of the castle.

King Benevolt, Hero Rupid, Magnus, Marciline, Father Parcia and a few ministers of the king were present there.

" I would suggest not to go in a war against Steelsire city. We should avoid shedding blood of our own kind when a bigger threat is present and very much near." Father Parcia said.

" Then what shall we do, father? The shogun refused to give up the demon lord and the bounty hunters that went after that traitor human haven't returned either. Its time that Nefbane itself takes charge." Rupid said.

" Now now, calm down hero. Many lives of civilians are at stake here. Not every place is a battlefield where you can rush for a fight without putting lives of innocents at stake." Father Parcia said, making Rupid hesitate.

" How about the hero himself pays the shogun a visit along with you, father? Maybe the negotiations will work this time." King Benevolt said.

" I doubt it. The demon lord is in no one's control. Even if shogun releases her that doesn't mean she won't fight back against us." Father Parcia said.

" That's what the shogun told me." Magnus muttered.

" So what do we do now?" Rupid asked.

" I suggest that we wait for the demon lord to leave the city before attacking her with all we got." A minister suggested.

" A reckless move with no planning. No way the demon lord won't anticipate that." Father Parcia replied immediately.

" Then what do we do? Let the demon lord come into our city and kill everyone?" The minister asked angrily.

" Maybe?" Father Parcia muttered with a smile with his eyes closed, surprising everyone.

" Are you serious about this, father?" Rupid asked in shock.

Father Parcia didn't speak.

" I have no solution available for this problem right now. Things are getting more and more complicated every day. My best advice right now would be to wait for the demon lord to progress further. Afterall, we don't want to make an enemy of the shogun and his forces." Father Parcia muttered.

" As you say, father." King Benevolt said.

" How is the research on the weapon going on?" Father Parcia asked.

" We have discovered some enchantments on the weapon making it indestructible by any element on earth. That's only a guess since even our best mages can't figure out the true power of the enchantment and they believe that the spear has many more enchantments on it. The metal from which it is made seems to be out of our reach for now." King Benevolt replied.

" I see..... I must take my leave now. Have to say final prayers at the church before closing it." Father Parcia said as he got up and left the dinning room.

" This situation is getting out of hand now. Will we just wait for the demon lord to come here and slaughter us?" King Benevolt muttered in stress.

" Don't worry, your highness. As long as me and my allies stand, no one's laying a finger on you." Rupid said.

" Sure thing. We will be the first to die afterall." Magnus muttered.

" Shut up Magnus!" Rupid said angrily.

" S-Stop fighting guys! We are far from danger right now." Marciline said as she held her staff tighter.

" Alright, this meeting's over. Lets not make a move right now since our hands are tied right now. We will monitor this situation further before taking any action." King Benevolt ordered.

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