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A small army of Runeguard knights had gathered in front of the church.

All of them had been marked by Father Parcia.

Magnus was standing in front of the army, marked aswell.

" Make sure that demon either gets executed or is brought back here. Talk some sense into that stupid shogun." Rupid said, patting Magnus's shoulder.

" Talking ain't my style. Maybe I will knock some sense into him." Magnus said, clashing his fists with each other.

" G-Good luck!!" Marciline muttered from behind Father Parcia.

" Hope you bring good news, Magnus. May god aid you in your small adventure. Now I shall teleport you to the forest near Steelsire city." Father Parcia said.

Magnus's armor and the weapons of the Runeguard knights were glowing in white light, blessed by Father Parcia.

" I have blessed your equipment just in case that demon targets you. Now go and meet the shogun." Father Parcia said.

" Miracle Mark."

Father Parcia clasped his hands.

A white ray showered on the Magnus and the knights and they all got teleported away.

" Good luck, old man." Rupid muttered.


The demon lord, Akaar and Liege were watching the dance of Kimono girls with the shogun.

The shogun was sitting beside Liege at the front row while Akaar and the demon lord were sitting together just behind them.

Two Kinzoku warriors were also sitting there, monitoring them.

" They are nothing special. Just some girls with too much makeup doing basic dancing steps." Akaar spoke in the demon lord's ears.

" You think you can do better on a stage?" The demon lord asked.

" Who will watch my fat ass jiggle on stage?" Akaar muttered.

" I would. Maybe I will get a few laughs." The demon lord muttered.

" So, how will you distract the shogun?" The demon lord asked.

" I thought you will tell me how to." Akaar muttered.

" I told you that you and Liege have to plan that out." The demon lord muttered in irritation.

" Don't stress about it now. My skill is really good for distractions." Akaar muttered.

" Hey umm...I will use the toilet real quick." Akaar muttered as he got up.

" Sure." Arashi muttered.

Akaar left the room.

Arashi snapped his fingers.

The two Kinzoku warriors got up.

" Make sure he only does what he said." Arashi muttered.

The warriors nodded and left the room aswell.

" Trust issues, huh?" The demon lord said with a smile.

" Gotta be cautious all the time." Arashi muttered.

" I thought your main concern was me." The demon lord muttered.

" Anyone of you can bring trouble. I am not going to lenient on anyone of you." Arashi muttered.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now