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The demon lord was sitting on the couch of Akaar's room, staring at the hat he had bought for her.

Akaar was sleeping on the bed, shirtless.

Akaar's cuts had been stiched, his wounds were bandaged and his head was also wrapped with a long bandage.

" No scars on him thankfully. He is already too ugly." The demon lord mumbled to herself.

Suddenly, an arrow flew into the room right through the room and got struck on the wall just beside the demon lord.

The demon lord immediately knew what was going on.

She quickly approached the window and saw a withered knight weilding a bow right outside.

" How the hell did it manage to enter this guarded city!?" The demon lord thought.

She jumped right out of the window and landed before the withered knight.

The withered knight quickly began walking away and the demon lord followed it.

The withered knight got on an undead horse and the demon lord sat right behind it.

The undead horse made no sound and simply charged ahead.

After sometime, they reached the entrance of Nectoria city where the demon lord saw a horrific sight.

The guards there had been slaughtered and the giant gate had been destroyed.

" Don't tell me you did this, Umbra." The demon lord thought.

She quickly went out of the city and walked into the forest.

As soon as she entered the forest, a big armored being walked in front of her from the dark.

It was Umbra.

" So you got my message." Umbra muttered.

" Did you kill all those guards?" The demon lord asked angrily.

" Hmm...that I did. Why do you sound disappointed though?" Umbra asked.

" Unnecessary killing isn't our way. This is the reason why humans hate us." The demon lord said.

" Who cares about the opinions of an inferior species? Now can I ask how you are doing?" Umbra muttered.

" Pretty good actually. The man I was searching is still with me since I need him in retrieving my spear." The demon lord said.

" Glad to hear that, probably. I have a good news. Seems like a few monsters escaped after the battle in Evergloom forest since I heard many travellers talking about their sightings. Seems like our kind has some hope of survival." Umbra muttered.

Those words were a music to the demon lord's ears as she smiled in joy. Her father's castle might have fallen but his legacy can still go on.

" One question, why didn't you come yourself instead of sending a withered knight? Afterall, you slaughtered all the guards out there." The demon lord said.

" My armor makes a lot of noise. Besides, I was busy preparing something." Umbra muttered.

" Preparing what?" The demon lord asked.

" Preparing to frame someone for my mess. And I found them. A group of people attacked me in the forest and it didn't go very well for them." Umbra muttered, showing the demon lord several blood stained leaf masks.

" These are the masks of....the Terravours. Its a group that claims the forests as its property." The demon lord muttered.

" From these masks, I figured that it would be a cult or something. Just drop them near the entrance of the city. The Nectoria knights will deal with those forest pests and I will be out of suspicion." Umbra said before handing over the leaf masks to the demon lord.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now