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Akaar was sitting in his inn room, writing in his diary.

Neo walked in and asked,

" How do I look!? Bought this suit today!"

" Fine, would have looked better on someone else." Akaar muttered, looking at his diary.

Neo's face fell.

" Just kidding, bro. Never thought you would be so concious about your looks." Akaar muttered as he wrote.

" Nah, its just i am going with Liege. He is well reputated even among the knights and nobles of Nectoria and I don't wanna spoil his image by being around him like a hobo." Neo said.

" Look, Liege won't give a fuck about how others will think of you. He knows you are a good guy and that's what matters." Akaar said.

" I guess you are right. I am worrying too much." Neo said with a laugh.

" Also, why are you around Liege that much? I like that guy too but you two have a great bonding." Akaar said.

" Well, its just....i think we both are alike. Liege is taking care of his son Tim while I have my little brother Garb. We both know the pain of seperating with the only loved ones we have. So i think, we find inner peace with each other." Neo said with a smile.

" Aww, so romantic. Tim needs a mommy, take the role." Akaar said with a teasing grin.

" Very funny. I am going out to wait for Liege." Neo said before leaving the room.

As Akaar continued to write, the demon lord entered the room.

" Haven't you gotten ready yet!? Put on your clothes right now!" The demon lord said angrily.

" Yeah yeah...give the guy a break." Akaar muttered with a sigh, writing in his diary.

The demon lord stared at Akaar in anger.

" I think I have been too soft on you recently. You don't fear me anymore." The demon lord said.

" Yeah I don't." Akaar replied without hesitation.

" And why is that? Have you got that much stronger after 2 days of training with that bitchy captain?" The demon lord asked angrily as she walked closure to Akaar.

" No, because I know you are a good person. I don't know much about you but the fact that you haven't killed me or my friend proves that you don't intend to shed blood needlessly." Akaar muttered, his eyes still in the book.

The demon lord pinched Akaar's ear.

" Flattery will get you nowhere. Get up and be ready now!" The demon lord said in a stern tone.

Akaar laughed a bit before getting up and taking the 2 bags of clothes.

After thinking for a while, he decide to wear Captain Elsa's shirt and the demon lord's pants.

" So you won't pick a side, you dual minded fiend." The demon lord muttered angrily.

" Now now chill. This ain't war, my queen." Akaar said with a laugh.

Suddenly, Neo came rushing into the room.

" T-The governor, she is outside our inn and she is waiting for you!!" Neo exclaimed to the demon lord.

" Oh much for a quiet travel to the celebration. Akaar, come with me." The demon lord said.

" B-But why me? You know the governor, I don't." Akaar said.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now