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Akaar was woken up by a sudden halt of wagon.

" W-What!? We are in city?" He asked in a daze as he streched his body.

" No, we are in trouble." Liege muttered.

In front of the wagon were several bandits on horses, some of them were holding torches to brighten up the environment.

" You know these torches can do things other than lighten up the view. They can lighten up something else. If you don't wanna know then hand us your valuables." The leader of bandits muttered.

The demon lord was about to get out of the wagon but Liege raised his hand to stop her.

" I will deal with this." He muttered.

" Sometimes, you gotta be peaceful. Afterall, violence is never the primary solution of true law." Liege said in a calm tone as he stepped out of the wagon.

He was surrounded by bandits immediately.

" We ain't negotiating pal. We will have all your stuff. You are in no position to deny our demand." The bandit leader said.

There were around 20 of them.

" Nah, I only hand over....justice." Liege said.

" Soul Skill- Order Enforce."

" My order is- No Violence!" Liege announced.

" Dammit, this guy is just fucking around!!" A bandit yelled before throwing a punch at Liege.

As soon as his fist touched Liege's face, the bandit vanished in thin air!!!

" What the fuck did you do!?" The bandit leader exclaimed in shock.

" Would be wise to remain non violent." Liege muttered.

Several bandits pounced on him only to vanish in thin air!!

" Woah, his soul skill is really powerful. He can do almost anything he desires." Akaar muttered.

" Yeah, we are lucky he is on our side." The demon lord muttered.

A bandit grabbed Akaar roughly.

" If i can't beat that bandaged freak, I  would beat you up instead!!" He yelled before throwing a punch at Akaar only to vanish.

" His order applies in all the area surrounding him. We are completely safe. Lets go." The demon lord muttered.

Liege calmly sat back on the wagon driving seat while more bandits disappeared while trying to attack him.

Liege rode the wagon ahead.

Akaar looked behind.

As soon as Liege left that area, the bandits appeared back and fell from the sky!!!

Some of the bandits along with their leader began chasing them on their horses!!

" They are persistent. They really wanna rob us." Akaar muttered, staring at the bandits who were chasing their wagon while cursing them.

" Stay stress free. We are almost at the Steelsire city. The defence forces their will stomp this bandit group like an anthill." Liege muttered.

After a few minutes, Akaar could see giant black spiked walls.

" Those are the walls guarding the shogun's city- the Steelsire city." Liege muttered.

There were two towers built right on the entrance wall of the city.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now