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Mareez woke up in a hut.

Her wounds had been patched up by Evans who was sitting beside her bed.

" Uh....where are we?" Mareez mumbled weakly.

" Hikaru village, a place far from Nectoria city. We will leave this place as soon as you get ready." Evan muttered.

" Where's Lily?" Mareez asked.

" She got left behind while we made an escape. She is most probably dead." Evan muttered.

Mareez's eyes widened in shock and rage.

She grabbed Evan by his throat.

" You....scum!! You left her to die!! Why the heck did you save me then!?" She asked angrily.

" are more useful than her." Evan muttered with pure honesty, still getting chocked.

Marrez narrowed her eyes before letting go off Evan.

" If I find out she's dead, I am going to gut you really slowly and brutally." She muttered.

Evan ignored her threat and muttered,

" We underestimated something. It wasn't that Captain's power but her love towards her knights. I never expected her to be so determined to take revenge for her knights. Why......why couldn't I predict that? I predicted their every move, from the movement of their knights to their Captain's arrival. Then why didn't I anticipate such common emotional drive?" Evan mumbled in shock.

" Its simple, you have never loved nor you were ever loved." Mareez muttered with her eyes closed as she put her woollen coat on and got up.

" So, where are we going now?" Mareez asked.

" To the Steelsire city. We have got 2 allies there." Evan muttered.

" Are you like....out of your mind? That city is ruled by Arashi the shogun. If we make any move there, we will get chopped up on spot by him and his forces." Mareez muttered.

" We will lay low there. We just need to gather our allies and move forward." Evan muttered.

" So, are you giving up on Liege?" Mareez asked.

Evan was quiet.

He walked out after muttering,

" Get ready, now."




Akaar and Neo were chatting for the last time while Captain Elsa and the demon lord were waiting for their wagon to arrive.

" So, off to another journey? You better tell all about your adventures when we meet." Neo said with a bright smile.

" Yeah, if we meet." Akaar said.

" Don't be so negative. Nothing has happened to you so far so why do you think anything will happen now?" Neo said.

" Yeah, why do I think that?" Akaar mumbled, having flashbacks of getting brutally beaten up by Russo and almost dying by Albert's bow.

" Sorry, we won't be able to attend the funeral." Akaar said to Captain Elsa as he walked towards her.

" Its fine. I will say your share of prayers for their valiant souls." Captain Elsa said with a smile.

She moved closer to Akaar and hugged him warmly.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now