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Magnus and Marciline came out of the cave near the dragon's corpse.

" I think we went a bit too far back there. They might be our enemies but no one deserves a death like that." Marciline said nervously.

" We don't care how our enemies die, Marciline. You need to stop being merciful to enemies if you want to protect our kingdom." Magnus said as he walked.

They walked towards the dragon's skeleton and stood in front of it.

Both of them were looking like ants in front of the giant skeleton of the dragon.

" Which dragon's corpse do you think it is?" Marciline asked.

" No idea but lets hope it can give that demon lord a hard time." Magnus muttered.

He looked around and muttered,

" No Grimbroods nearby. Akaar's corpse must have distracted them."

Magnus heard some footsteps.

He looked back and saw the demon lord, Akaar and Liege walking towards them from far.

" So she did manage to save him. Pretty impressive for a heartless fiend." Magnus muttered.

" Possess the skeleton now, Marciline." He ordered.

Marciline raised her staff at the giant skeleton of the dragon.

" Soul Skill- Soul Bliss!"

Marciline's eyes gave a yellow glow as she concentrated to possess the dragon.

However, she staggered and fell on her knees.

" I can't do it. I think its body is too strong for my soul to possess." Marciline mumbled.

Magnus placed a hand on her shoulder and muttered,

" Believe in yourself just like we all do right now, Marciline. You are our last hope against the demon lord."

Marciline nodded and stood up.

" I will need some time. Maybe if I take it slowly, I won't get overwhelmed by the dragon skeleton's strength. Then I might have a chance to possess it." Marciline said.

" Take as much time as you desire. They won't get to you, I promise." Magnus muttered, turning back and looking at the three warriors approaching him.

" Y-You sure....? T-The demon lord's with them." Marciline mumbled nervously.

" I have faith in you......"

" So have faith in me." Magnus muttered, clashing his iron fists.

Marciline smiled confidently and nodded.

" Soul Skill- Soul Bliss!!"

Marciline restarted the process to possess the dragon.

The demon lord, Akaar and Liege were close to Magnus now.

" So you finally came. I guess facing you was inevitable but don't worry for I was born to face threats like you!" Magnus said, stepping ahead bravely.

The demon lord raised her arms, signalling Akaar and Liege to back off.

" I will finish this quickly." She muttered before rushing ahead at a lightening pace.

" Soul Skill- Bastion Beast...."

Suddenly, Magnus's armor got bigger and thicker and developed steel spikes on it.

His iron arms were replaced by giant spiked ironballs.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now