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"You look tired." I tell Juan as we sit on FaceTime a few days later.

He grins lazily. "Yeah, shoot days are always a little tough on me." he chuckles lightly.

I've just gotten home from work and am sitting on the couch while Bella plays with her dolls on the floor. Juan on the other hand, is already in bed with the lights turned down.

"Are you still shooting tomorrow?"

He shakes his head. "Nah. Tomorrow is my interview portion of the shoot. It should be a quick day tomorrow." he says.

"Okay, well that's good at least." I nod.

"So," he clears his throat. "if they ask me whether or not Im single, which they do at every single interview I'm at, what do I say?"

I shrug. "Be honest, I guess. I don't want these girls thinking you're available." I joke, laughing lightly.

"I promise you, they do not care." he chuckles, shaking his head.

I raise a brow. "Ohh, so you get hit on all the time?" I ask suggestively.

Of course with Juan being as famous and good looking as he is, I fear that women are constantly throwing themselves at him, but I just have to trust that he'll stay loyal to me no matter how many gorgeous women come his way. And I do trust him, strangely enough, I trust him very much. Maybe too much. Never have I trusted someone as quickly as I've been able to trust Juan. Never have I let my guard down so fully when it came to a man either, maybe for the exception of Dylan. But we all know how that ended, and I haven't let a man into my life since. Until Juan.

"I won't lie," he smiles. "Yes. Pretty often. When I was single, it was flattering and an ego booster to be honest," he laughs sheepishly. "I welcomed it. Now that I have an amazing and beautiful girlfriend though..." he shrugs. "I just ignore them."

I smile, rolling my eyes. "You used to be such a playboy, weren't you?"

"I'm not proud of it." a blush creeps over his cheeks. "But that's in my past, because I'm spoken for now." he flashes a charming smile at me, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"It better be in the past."

He laughs. "It is, Ximena. I'm all yours."

"And I'm all yours." I smile. "So if they ask you anything in your interview about your love life...just tell them that." I nod. "You're taken, no longer single, spoken for, mine." he smiles. "That's all they need to know. Not who you're with, just that you are...with somebody."

"Okay. Yeah. I'll let them know." his smile is interrupted by a yawn.

"Okay, sounds good babe. Go to sleep. You look tired, get some rest, okay?"

He yawns again, nodding. "Yeah, okay."

"Call me tomorrow whenever you're free. I get out of work at four."

"Alright. I'll call you tomorrow night again. Have a good day at work tomorrow."

I smile. "Okay. You too. Goodnight."


- - - -

"I need more night shifts again." I sigh, counting my tips at my lockers right after clocking out. "These tips are not cutting it." I complain to Heidi as she eats her lunch.

There was wealthy people here at all times of the day, but the evening was when the most people would come in, resulting in better tips. At this rate, I'm just barely making my rent for the month.

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