should've said no

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requested by - @hey_zal

"it's strange to think
songs we used to sing,
the smiles, the flowers,
everything is gone"

It's been weeks, and Riley hasn't been back home. Ever since the night she caught me cheating on her with Missy Bradford, she's been staying at her parents house, and hasn't been answering my calls or texts. I tried going to see her, but she refused and her parents told me not to go again.

I know I messed up, I should have never ever, cheated on her. But I couldn't stop myself. I know I messed up, but could you blame me? I've felt like shit for the last few weeks! It's been absolute hell not seeing her beautiful face everyday, not hearing her endearing laugh at one of my stupid jokes. I will never be able to forgive myself for hurting her.

"yesterday i found out
about you, even now,
just looking at you
feels wrong"

Sighing, I played with my wedding ring. It was beautiful, and matched Riley and I's promise rings we got each other as kids. It was supposed to be a reminder that we'd be together forever, now here we are. I will never be able to forget the look on Riley's face when she walked into our bedroom, and saw me kissing Missy. The absolute pain in my heart when I realized what I had just done.

I still remember her last words to me before she walked out of our house. The pain in her voice evident.

What have you done for me?

Nothing. I hadn't done anything for her, or our relationship since we got married. I don't know what it was, but it was so hard for me to put in any effort into our marriage, that when it started falling apart, the only thing I could think of doing was blame Riley. I realize now that it was a stupid idea. Our relationship fell apart because I didn't put any effort, and now, I probably lost her forever.

Just then, I heard a knock at the door, sighing, I got up and went to the door, secretly praying it was Riley, but was disappointed to find a tall, thin man in a brown suit standing before me. He was bald and had pointy glasses, and carried a briefcase with him. He smiled at me and asked, "Is this the residence of a..." He looked at a piece of paper in his hand, "Mrs. Maya Hart?" I felt a lump form in my throat as I nodded. He handed me the paper.

"I am Mr. James McVoy, from Mikes and Ikes Associates Law firm and I will be representing Mrs. Riley Matthews-Hart." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and eyed the paper. My heart shattered as I read it. No, this couldn't be. She couldn't be doing this to me. To us.

"Divorce papers?" I croaked out, my throat feeling raspy and my eyes began welling with tears. How could this happen? Why didn't she let me explain myself first? I thought we could have worked it out, we could have done something to fix our relationship! She couldn't be doing this to me.

"you say, that you take it all back,
given one chance, it was a moment
of weakness and you said yes"

"I know this might be difficult, but Mrs. Matthews is willing to leave everything to you, including the house, as long as you sign these papers as soon as possible." Mr. McVoy says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sighed, and nodded, letting him know that I understood. He handed me a black pen and I read over the page, she wanted nothing to do with me. We had been the best of friends since we were six, and then we fell in love and then I asked her to be my wife...our wedding was the most beautiful wedding ever. She looked absolutely breathtaking... and now?

"I should've said no." I said, as I signed my name on the paper, officially declaring me and the love of my life divorced.


hope y'all like this!!! and feel free to check out my other books as well?(:

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