being in love with my bff

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I watched as my best friend, maya hart, talked to her boyfriend, lucas friar. I sighed and shoved my things into my locker. It was no use, she'd never love me the way I love her. A few months ago, I told maya I was lesbian and she hasn't really talked to me much these days. I get it, she thinks I'm a freak everyone at school thinks so. Even my parents.

I walked to my first class, my pink hair moving from side to side as I walked. I didn't really care about what other people think of me, honestly it's only just the fact that my best friend ditched me and my parents can't stand to look at me. Besides, why should I care about what people at school think? It's not like they're perfect, no one is.

As I walked into my history class, I looked at maya, she was laughing at something her boyfriend, lucas had said. I sit down next to her and clench my fists. I breath in and out a few times to calm down.

"class, today we will be discussing ancient greece,"mr. matthews said, but I got too caught up in maya and lucas that I didn't pay any attention. when the bell rang, signaling the end of class, I walked to my next class.

"Hey,are you going to missy's party tonight?" i heard lucas ask maya. She nodded and kissed his cheek. I gagged.

"i have to go, see ya later!" Maya said as she walked over to English.

Another thing about maya I forgot to mention is that she's popular. I'm not. She gets invited to all the parties and everyone wants to be her friend. People ignore me and those who choose not to ignore me, call me things and make fun of me... I guess you could call it bullying. That's it. I've been bullied since last year, but when I came out as lesbian,the bullying got worse. Anyway, I walked to English and sat down in the very back of the class. Nobody ever really sat there.

As class went on , I kept looking over at maya, she sat a few desks in front of me. As I looked at her, I couldn't help but feel .... Jealous. I felt jealous of her, she's got my parents to help her. She's got everyone in the school wrapped around her finger. She's got a boyfriend. She's got it all, I've got nothing. I have to sneak into my room from my window every night because my dad kicked me out. I have to find a way to make money to eat. Anyway, that's for another time.

Hours after..

I was just going up through my bay window when I decided on something. In order to get maya to talk to me, I have to go to at that party. I look for something to wear and change into it. I do my hair and put on some converse. I gave myself one last look in the mirror. I smiled and grabbed my phone and bag.

I climbed out of my bay window and walked off the fire escape. I walked off all the way to missy's since it wasn't too far. When I got there, I walked in and instantly looked for maya.

I saw her grinding on lucas. He looked pleased. I grew angry. I clenched my tiny hands into fists and walked up to them. I pulled maya off of Lucas and she just stared at me. I grabbed lucas by the collar of his shirt and slapped him with my fist. Maya stared at me in disbelief and said, "what's wrong with you? Why would you do that?" I didn't say anything and cupped her face in my hands. She started to say something but I kissed her. She didn't pull away. I knew by now everyone was watching us. I didn't care though, I just worried about how much maya will hate me after this night.

I finally pulled away and maya just stated me, shocked. I sighed and she did the unbelievable, she slapped me. I put my hand to my cheek. I watched as maya went over to lucas.

Then she walked over to me,
"Don't ever touch me again! Don't talk to me, don't look at me! Leave me alone! Got that, dyke?" Did she just? Wow. I scoffed and ran out; tears running down my cheeks.

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