Changing Desires pt1

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'How did I get here?'

That single thought crossed my hazy mind as I sat up from the mess of sheets and comforter around my bare flesh. My eyes drift around the unfamiliar room, taking in the strange surroundings. Next to me, I take in a young male, near my own age, sleeping with his back up, and his mouth cracked open to breathe, with a freckled nose burrowed into the silk red pillow below his mess of brown locks.

The sleep soon drifts away as my eyes focus on the man, watching how his back rose slightly with each intake of air through his swollen lips.

My green eyes drift down to myself, feeling a draft over my chest that I shouldn't feel, only to find, I had no clothes. Lifting the sheets up only a few inches to see that not even my lower body was covered by the clothing I had on the night before. Holding my breath to keep silent from my surprise, I carefully lift my body up from the bed.

I let out a sharp gasp as my bare feet touch the freezing wooden floor. My body goes ridged, stilling to watch the sleeping stranger to find he was undisturbed. Reassured, I continue to pick up the pair of boxers, jeans and t-shirt and tug them on quickly. With shoes in hand, I'm quick to go to the door and grip the handle.

"Where are you going Sexy? Slipping out on me before I could wake?" A low husky voice slithered into my ear from the bed. Shoulders tense, my head turns to see the naked man sitting up in the silk of the bed, arms up and stretching. A set of abs were now showing as they flexed to the movements.

It was impossible to not stare at the the defined curves so perfectly displayed. Mouth watering muscles, just laying in that perfectly messed up bed. As the man's arms dropped to the bed, he pushed the covers away, and started to stand, showing that he too had lost his clothes at some point.

I could feel my cheeks turning a dark shade of crimson as I backed up towards the door a bit further, trying to escape from this stranger. "Uhm... I have to go." I answer, excusing myself as I start out the door.

Before even opening it far enough to book it, the door slams right before my face, a strong hand was there now, holding it close. Hot breath flows down my neck, sending shivers all the way to my nether regions. "Oh you weren't so eager to leave last night, my sweet." The man purrs inches from my face, right next to me.

My legs are like jelly, a slight fear of this stranger flows through my body, as well as a rush, a curiosity to see what exactly happened in the black part of my memory.

With a dry swallow, my eyes meet his blue green ones, so close to my own. "It was a mistake. I shouldn't be here." I whisper, as if scared of my own voice.

A second hand finds a spot beside my head and the warmth of his body presses against me till I'm up against the wall next to the door. Hitched breaths escape my lips as I watch him, his naked body against my own clothed. "It wasn't a mistake. But I know you have some where to be." His voice was low, seductive before a pair of velvet lips smash against my own.

I try to push him away, ignoring the feeling of my palm on his bare chest. But it was fruitless as a hand forced my hand against the wall, leaving me helpless to the lips devouring me.

Giving in, I succumb to the strange taste of masculinity and mint mouthwash. Just as my eyes sink close, starting to enjoy the swollen flesh against my lips, it was taken away. "Go home. Someone has to be missing you."

Then he was gone, shutting a distant door behind him, leaving me flustered and startled against the wall. After a second to recollect myself, I slip out of the room and out towards the street. Once free from the walls, and open to the morning air, my feet carry towards more familiar places.

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