Rebellious Phases pt 3

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~*Jessica’s POV*~

The last day of being 17, I get up out of bed to hear yelling from downstairs. I ignore it and get dressed. I pull my back pack over to my bed and put my present in it. The box was white but has a yellow tint from sitting in the dark for years. The blue ribbon on it is flattened and pressed against the box as I zip my backpack closed around it.

The yelling is still going on down stairs so I get mad. Can’t people shut up?

I storm out of my room and down stairs to see Arnold and Milly yelling at each other

I yell at both of them. “Will you both shut the hell up? A little peace and quiet would be great in this dam house!”

Both stop and look at me. But Arnold is the first to speak up. “Jessica, this does not concern you.”

Milly crosses her arms. “I think it does because it is about her. And she should have some part of the decision.”

Arnold’s nose flares. “I think it doesn’t.”

Milly rolls her eyes and looks at me. “Jessica, would you like it if we have a birthday party for you?”

I shake my head. “This is what you are arguing about? Seriously? I don’t want or need a party. Only thing I need is some quiet in this house. And as soon as I move out then you can go back to your pointless yelling.”

I turn around and storm back to my room and lock the door behind me. I collapse on my bed and start to listen to my IPod.

It’s going to be a long day.

After hours of dealing with annoying adults, a whiny little kid and a monster growling at me in my head, things finally start to settle down after dinner. Milly and her parents are asleep by 10.

A few minutes after the last light goes out, I grab my backpack and sneak out of the house. I walk over to my car then drive down to the park.

After I park my car, I walk up to our bench and sit down. I pull my phone out and call Jude. I can faintly hear his phone going off in the direction that he comes.

The music turns off as Jude answers the phone. “I’m fixing to be there.”

I smile a little. “I’m here.”

I hang up the phone as Jude walks up and sets his backpack down. He pulls out a large blue box with a red flattened ribbon and a small black box with a silver ribbon comes out next. Both sit side by side on the table. Jude looks at me as I pull out my present and his present, a very small dark blue box with no ribbon.

I hand Jude my blue box and he hands me the black box.

He looks at the box and sets it on the table. “Thanks. I would rather open the others first though. I’m curious to what had to wait all these years to be opened.”

I nodd. “I agree. I would prefer to see what we’ve been waiting for. You want to open yours first or me first?”

Jude smiles. “Your birthday is first.”

I nodd and pick up my white box. I carefully pull the ribbon off and then open the box. Inside there is a letter on top with my name.

I pick it up and open it and start to read the neat cursive writing.

“Dear Jessica, I hope that the last few years have been great. I know your mother would take good care of you. Your probably wondering what happened to me. Well after tomorrow, you’re going to want to ask a whole lot more than just that one question. Today is your last day as the person you are. I know about your monster. After tonight, stop fighting her. She is a part of who you are. After the change, I want you to look for answers. But don’t get caught. Be careful. The wolves are not to be trusted. They will try to kill you. In this box you will find everything you need to be able to stay safe. I’m sorry baby. I still love you. Sincerely, Daddy.”

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