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Shape shifters are going extinct. They are people who shift into animals at will. Humans rule and run the world and are arrogant about shifters. Shifters have been round even before humans. But something is causing shifter disappearance. The houses have become cautious and stressed. There are 3 houses. The first are made up of canine animals, such as wolves and dogs and bears. The second house is made up of Felines. This consists of any large cats ranging from bobcats to large tigers. The third house, house of Draco, contains dragons. The range of dragon types makes this the largest house. The lords and ladies of the houses have chosen a shifter from each house to discover who is behind this. That’s where I come in. I am Azula of the second house. I am with my companions, Maya of house one, and Garret from the third house. We are here to find the missing shifters and stop whoever is causing them to disappear. This is my story.

~~Note: This is a really old Idea i had but I couldn't get rid of it.~~

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