Trials of Three pt 3

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Hours had passed and the sun had begun to set, leaving both Mayhew and Arian walking toward the run down house. Both knew with the sun not quite set, they would each have to wait for their vampire friend.

In the living room, Mayhew stood against one of the dusty walls, watching as Arian wandered around the room, inspecting the empty room, before taking the only chair in the room. He leaned back as smirked, relaxing in the comfort of the worn fabric.

Mayhew rolled his eyes, watching the dragon boy. Before pushed off the wall and lit one of the candles over the mantle, knowing it was already getting dark, and fast.

They didn’t wait long before the woman entered, closing the creaky door behind her. She froze when she saw the boy in her chair and growled. “Move child. Friend or not, that’s my seat.”

Arian smirked and laid back more, crossing his legs. His eyes scanned over her as he grinned. He couldn’t help but mentally undress her already. He had been correct to assume she was hot and couldn’t wait to see if his skills worked on her. “Sorry, sexy, you’ll have to move me first.”

Ophira growled before suddenly appearing beside him. With one hand, she picked him up by the hood and shoved him half across the room, out of the seat. Then she took it for herself as she sat and then looked over at Mayhew. “You brought me a child, and an ignorant bastard at that.”

Mayhew shrugged, glancing at Arian as he picked himself up. “He claims to be a 67 year old dragon shifter and willing to join the group, no questions asked.”

Arian huffed and brushed himself off once he was on his feet. “I am you dam mutt. And that was some bullshit you pulled, vamp.”

A laugh broke itself from Ophira’s lips as she mused at him. “You can stay. I can smell the dragon. And you said I had move you first. I did.”

Arian rolled his eyes but then settled on the floor. “Got me there. Now, tell me and Mayhew Mutt over there what you want anyways?”

Mayhew scowled at Arian before focusing on Ophira as she grinned in her seat.

She crossed her legs as she looked over them. “First we are going to meet a few friends of mine up north. I have taken care of my business here and now I must go north to Oregon to handle a few things. We will be there for a while.”

The werewolf frowned at this, looking down at his feet, thinking it over. Oregon… half way across the country. A long flight from North Carolina, that’s for sure. “How are we going to travel? There will be sun at some point and you can’t just walk out there into the light.”

Ophira rolled her eyes and held up her hand. She now sported a sliver ring that looked like it had something inside of it. “I’m protected. First thing in the morning, we will board the plane, ride for the mean time of the day and land around dinner time. From there, I have a place for us to stay while I handle business, and you two will work on meeting the locals. Understood?”

Both of them agreed though each seemed unhappy in their own ways.

Arian didn’t like to fly on planes when he had his own set of wings he could use.

Mayhew was unhappy with the fact that he was slowly turning into and errand boy for the sake of some weird familiarity of this woman. There was something about her that had him agreeing to stay and help.

With their acceptance of her plans, Ophira stood back on her feet and smiled at the pair. “Great. I suggest if you have anything to pack and such you get it by morning. Meet me here and we will head out.” And then like before, she was gone.

Arian snickered as he plopped himself back into her seat and looked at Mayhew. “I was right, she is hot, but not just hot, but scorching.”

Mayhew laughed and rolled his eyes. “Yeah I’ll admit, she’s a looker. Anyways, we better do as she said and go get our belongings and such. I feel like we won’t be back here for a long time.

After that, both men went their separate ways to get ready for the coming trip.




~Thank you for reading, please leave a like or a comment. I need all the help I can get in editing and suggestions for making this longer :)

I know I don’t post regularly, but I am normally on my phone and since Window’s does not have the Wattpad App I have to use the browser. The browser on my phone messes up and types everything backwards on the Work’s page. So I have to wait till I can get time for my laptop to type or post.


Arian to the side ---------------------------------------->>>>>>>

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