A Rose's Snare pt 3

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I bolt up out of bed screaming. I blink my eyes a few times and find myself in the bed at the training center.

I huff as I remember why I’m here.  The Hunger Games.

I sigh and get out of bed and head to the shower.

I play with the gadgets as I take a warm shower.

When I’m done, I towel dry my hair and put it up in a ponytail before getting dressed in a navy blue shirt and tights.

I then leave and head to the dining room to find it empty except for one person. Haymitch looks sober but is drinking from a flask. I shake my head and take a seat.

Gale arrives and takes a seat next to me and greets me. I make myself a plate of fruit and a sweet lumpy stuff called oatmeal. Gale fills his plate with different meats and eggs.

Haymitch clears his throat after we begin to eat. “We will have three days of group training and then the fourth day you will each have a private session to impress the gamemakers. First I need to know if you want to be coached together or separate.”

Gale swallows what is in his mouth and speaks up. “Together. I know my talents and so does Prim but we can work together to help each other learn more stuff.”

Haymitch nodds. “I’m guessing that Primrose adopted her mother’s talents. And I know about your abilities by the food Greasy Sue serves me when I bought spirits from the Hob.”

Gale nodds. “She was our best customer. But that is the past. We need to worry about the games.”

Haymitch takes another sip from his flask. “I want you both to avoid the stations that you are best at. Practice at the others and your weaknesses. Primrose, you have a lot to learn. But you also need to make alliances while you’re training. Numbers will save you in the beginning.”

Gale sighs. “Just like the packs of wild dog. They survive while they are in a group but when one is alone it’s easy to take down.”

I grimace at the thought of killing anyone. “I’d prefer to not hurt anyone if that is possible.”

Gale looks at me sadly. “The only bad thing about Katniss not bringing you on hunts. You’re going to have to at least witness death Prim. While in the area there will be at least 23 of them.”

I nodd and swallow. “Doesn’t mean I have to cause any.”

Gale shakes his head. “Not until the last few. And I want to get you out.”

I make and face. “Well you’re the one who has to provide for your family. Until Katniss comes back it’s only me and mom and we can’t live on just Lady!”

Gale huffs. “You forget that if you win you’ll have a life time supply to keep you and your mom fed. And my family will be just fine.”

I snort. “Oh really? You’re going to let Hazel wash clothes and work her hands to the bone while your siblings have to sign up for tressera? What if Posy has to go to the Hunger Games? What about them? Would you be so glad to help me win when Rory, Vick, or Posy could go in too?”

Gale grimaces. “I don’t know Prim. But you don’t deserve to die and my family needs me.”

Haymitch coughs suddenly. We both look at him angrily.

He takes a long drink from his flask and huffs. “Since neither one of you can choose who we will try to keep alive the most then I’ll work on you both and let you fight it out in the end. For now we need to just work on the training.”

Effie storms in suddenly with her hair everywhere. “Where have you been? It’s almost ten and none of you are ready to go down?”

Haymitch turns and glances at the clock. It reads 9:45.

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