Trials of Three- pt 2

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Early in the morning, light peeked through the boards covering the window. The room was dim with the week light streaming through over Mayhew asleep on the dusty bed. With a soft groan he opened on eye to see the daylight greeting him. With little to give reason to sleep further and fight the sun, he slowly stretched and sat up. He tiredly looks around the room before remembering the night before… The strange woman leading him here and allowing him company. Curious, Mayhew got to his feet, and pushed through the creaked bedroom door. He wanders down through the dark halls till he finds the living room, much like he had left it. But now there was a bright pink paper in the lone chair.

Mayhew glances around before picking up the out of place paper and scanning over it seeing it was a note left just for him.

Dear Mutt,

                It seems I am too busy at the moment to play babysitter to a pup, so make use of yourself during the daylight hours and run a few errands for me. Down on 6th street there is a man I need you to meet. He owes me a favor through a few friends of mine. He won’t know me directly, so I want you to check and see if he is reliable to ‘our’ cause. Of course, you may not know what my goal is yet, but that’s a price you pay for joining my little party of joy. Note the sarcasm, mutt. To test this man, I expect you to find out his race, if he had any previous commitments, and if he shares our dislike of the council. If he passes each of these and is available, I expect to meet him tonight, here were you found this note. Make haste pup.

                                Signed Ophira

Mayhew sighed and balled up the note once he finished. ‘Now I am a fucking messenger boy, great. All of this just for a bed and some answers.’ He mentally grumbled to himself as he trotted out of the house, shutting the door behind him.

Once on the side walk, he shoves his hands deep into his pockets and pulls his hood up over his head. He keeps his eyes down except to check the street signs, making sure he is headed in the right direction. It takes a while till he finally finds himself on a mostly deserted street filled with old shops… odd shops on top of that. Some from tarot card stores to clothing, the stores as a distinct feel, showing they belonged to the supernatural world. Mayhew kept his eyes darting around, uncomfortable in such an area, knowing it was dangerous. He realized that he had no idea who he was looking for exactly and frowned.

“Now what the hell do I do?” He muttered to himself worried. A moment a hand touched Mayhew’s shoulder, causing the wolf to jump several feet and yelp. He turned to look at his attacker to see a boy with a sly smirk.

The boy looked up at Mayhew, a hood covering his head, a tuft of black hair covering most of his face, leaving one bright blue eye to look up at Mayhew. “Lost are we?”

Mayhew scoffed and rolled his eyes. “No, and you shouldn’t startle people like that, could get you hurt, kid.”

The boy laughed and pushed past Mayhew and went towards a dark store with no name. “Name is Arian, and I’m not a kid just because I look like it. I’m much older then you are werewolf.” He pushed the store door open. “Go on in, I know who you are.”

Mayhew hesitated for a moment before nodding and going in to the darkly lit store. He looked around a bit nervous as he saw skulls and gothic items everywhere for sale. A cold breeze went down his spine as the door shut and Arian went past Mayhew again, leading him into a back room.

Here it was a bit brighter, a light in the corner illuminating the more welcoming area. Arian motioned for Mayhew to sit on a couch before setting down a dinning chair, backwards. He then straddles the seat and rests his arms on the back, looking at Mayhew sternly. “So tell me, why are you looking for me?”

Mayhew sighed, looking over Arian. “I was sent to basically recruit you for this vampire chick I meet last night.”

Arian smirked and rolled his eyes. “You’re going to recruit me for a complete stranger you don’t even know… A vampire on top of that. Is she hot?”

Mayhew shrugged but suddenly looked at Arian confused. “What kind of question is that? Why does it matter if she’s hot, you’re like 17 and she’s probably over three hundred?”

The boy laughed, and laughed hard like it was the world’s funniest joke. He took a deep breath and wiped invisible tears from his eyes before his smile suddenly dropped and he glared at Mayhew. “I am a dragon shifter and have looked 17 for 50 years. I’m much older than your stupid ass. And I bet she is hot, so I’ll help you out. Why not? Not like I have anything better to do then run this hell hole store. So, where to?”

Mayhew looked at Arian shocked. “Whoa, wait a second now. A dragon? They don’t exist for one, I don’t see how you’re what, 67 and look like some kid, and thirdly, she’s way out of your league in looks.”

Arian smirked as he sat up a bit straighter. “Now look, I don’t feel like shifting and destroying half this room because I’m the size of a horse, so I suggest you stop insulting. Its early in the morning and I know your vampire won’t be available till night fall, so till then, let’s get something to eat and see the town and then go meet this sexy beast.”

Mayhew rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the chuckle as they each got up to waste the daylight hours.

~Thank you for reading, please leave a like or a comment. I need all the help I can get in editing and suggestions for making this longer :)

Mayhew to the side ---------------------------------------->>>>>>>

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