Rebellious Phases pt 4

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~*Jessica’s POV*~

I wake up to a sharp pain in my neck. I sit up in bed and reach back to hold the spot. It feels like something is burning me.

I get up and go to the mirror and use a hand mirror to look at the back of my neck. There’s nothing there, but it still burns.

I try to ignore it as I check the time. Five in the morning.

I groan a little as the burning continues.

After awhile I start to adjust and as I finally get used to the burning sensation, it decides to spread to my spine all the way down my back.

I clutch my back and lay on my bed as it feels like a hot iron being pressed against my entire spine.

I grit my teeth and close my eyes as this burning spreads more over my body and bit by bit I can feel it covering every inch of my skin.

A scream starts to escape my mouth as the burning covers my skin and starts to burn my insides too.

The burning finally stops spreading but only after it has completely covered and filled my body. I start to scream as it continues.

Finally after a time that only fells like forever, the burning just disappears.

I take deep breathes and try to get myself under control before I get up to see if I’m still ok.

Everything is quiet as I take slow deep breaths. I feel my eardrums pop and loud yelling and banging floods my ears. I jump up out of bed and sling my bedroom door open to have Maggie fall on the floor as if she was leaning on the door. In the hall, Arnold and Milly are staring at me.

Maggie gets up and shakes her head. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You wake us up in the middle of the night with screaming and nothing is wrong?”

Arnold snaps at Maggie. “Watch your language! Tiffany, what happened?”

I stood there for a minute without speaking before Milly clearing her throat breaks the trance. “I woke up in a lot of pain and that’s all I know. I’m sorry that I disrupted your beauty sleep.”

Maggie huffs, storms back to her room, and slams the door.

Milly just shakes her head. “Well maybe we need to talk you to a doctor again.”

I frown. “No, I’ll be fine.”

Arnold sighs. “Well go back to bed.”

I nodd and shut the door and lock it back. I walk over to the mirror and look at the reflection.

I still look the same with my black hair and night clothes. I start to go back to bed but a glimpse of light catches my eye. I look back and I notice that something weird is going on with my eyes.

Instead of the normal blue, my eyes are almost white. It scares me a little and I step away from the mirror. What the hell happened to my eyes?

I dig through my pants from the day before and pull out my phone and send a quick text to Jude.

‘My eyes changed color! And I had like a meltdown a few minutes ago. I think something is going on with me.’

I wait a few minutes before lying down. I have the urge to go and sit outside but I ignore it as I wait for Jude’s text. Finally my phone vibrates and I pick it up.

‘It might be whatever the letters were talking about. What else could it be? Just call me or text if you need me to come get you.

I take a deep breath and send a text back.

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