The Girl in the Hood

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I walk down the dirt road. A pair of golden eyes watches me as I travel. Once I’m out of sight a blue set appears and watches me just as the others. Each time I leave their vision, a new pair appears. Each a different color than the last. Red, blue, gold, orange, green and even a shiny black.

Of course I don’t notice the eyes. I am focused on walking and reading a book. The wind blows and my red hair flaps around my face. Annoyed I push it out of my eyes and turn another page.

I forget about a fork in the road and continue straight instead of turning left. I shift the back pack on my back and look up from my book. The woods are unfamiliar. I turn to go back when I hear a growl.

I turn back to the way I was heading and there stands a large grey wolf. His black eyes show sorrow and beg for forgiveness.

I turn to run when I see a black wolf in the other direction. His golden eyes show the same sorrow and questioning look. I look around and realize that I’m surrounded by wolves. Besides the color, every single one has the same look in their eyes.

I turn to the grey wolf. Out the corner of my eye I see a black streak. I turn too slowly and feel a pain on my neck.

Teeth bite into my flesh and I collapse in pain. I close my eyes at the pain on my neck as it turns into a burning. I open my eyes to see the black wolf standing over me. His eyes show pain and sadness. His mouth and teeth drip with my blood.

I watch the wolf as it bows its head to me. As my vision slowly blacks out, I see every wolf in sight bow their heads.

I wake up in a bed. I sit up and look around. The room is white and looks like a hospital room. On the bedside table sits my book and clothes. I touch my neck and there is a layer of gauze and bandages.

I push a button that looks like it is meant to call a nurse.

A few minutes pass and a woman in white scrubs walks in. “You’re awake. That’s good.”

I nodd. “Yes, where am I?”

The nurse checked my eyes and ears. “You’re in a hospital. A woman found you in the road and brought you here. Can you tell us your name and where you live and what happened to you?”

I touch my neck again. “My name is Amber Rose. I was on my way to school. I must’ve taken a wrong turn. I was surrounded by-“

I nearly choked on the word. I tried to say it bout couldn’t so I lied, “I was attacked by a group of strangers.”

The nurse looked at me strange then shrugged. “Well Amber, you’re lucky to be alive. Now I need to know how to call your parents so that they can come get you.”

I nodded. “I live with my grandmother and grandfather. Papa can come and get me. His number is…”

I told her the number and she left. I got up and picked up my clothes. The shirt smelled like they washed tem and the pants where ironed.

I walk in to the bathroom and change out of the hospital gown. On the chair in the room my backpack sits. I open it to put my book into and find a note.

It reads, ‘Please do not fear the wolves. They are the protectors. Your Granny knows.’

It wasn’t signed and the back was blank. A shiver ran down my back. Shaking it off, I put the note and my book in the bag and zip it up. Just then the nurse came in. “Your grandfather will be here shortly. Please come down to the front desk to wait.”

I put on my back pack and follow the nurse. She took me to the desk where I stood till Papa arrived. He asked a few questions before signing me out.

Once we were on the truck he looked at me. “What happened, Amber?”

I looked out the window and told him the same story as the nurse.

He sighed. “You are going to be 15 soon. I think it’s time we get you a cell phone.”

I looked at him in surprise. “But you hate cell phones. You’re the reason why Granny won’t by one.”

Papa shook his head and made his short grey hair shiver. “Well after this, I think it’s time. Your old enough and have proven that your responsible.”

I smiled and leaned over to hug him. He hugged me back. “Well my Amber bear, let’s get home.”

I nodded as Papa started the truck. It roared to life and we drove home.

When we got home I dropped my bag next to the couch and went to the kitchen.

Granny was working over the kitchen sink. Her blonde hair streaked with grey was up in a messy bun. Her blue sun dress was covered by her favorite white and red apron. I hugged her from behind.

She turned and hugged me back. “Are you ok Amber? What happened?”

I stepped away and sighed. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. I’m fine now though.”

Granny nodded. “That’s good. I want to talk about it sometime today though.”

I nodded and looked behind me. “I want to talk about something with just you without Papa.”

Granny nodded slowly. “Does it deal with what happened?”

I nodd and watch as her face grows taunt. She refocuses her eyes on the potatoes that she had been peeling. “Ok, we will talk later. Go on. Let me cook dinner.”


I leave and find Papa in the living room. He is sitting in a recliner watching a baseball game. The clock on the wall reads 5 in the afternoon. I must’ve been out for a while.

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