The Game Pt 1

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She runs through the forest, branches scrap her pale skin, drawing bloody lines on the smooth canvas. A scream rips from her throat as she trips over a root. She tries to get up, but her attacker in upon her before she can even place a hand on the dry orange leaves. The teeth tear into her flesh, destroying the tissues. Screams can be heard for miles, but there are no ears to listen. Darkness over takes her mind as the blood loss becomes too great. The monster lets go of her but instead of leaving her to die, it picks her up and turns back the way they came.

Hours later the woman finds herself in a bed of silk. She tries to sit up but the world spins, sending her back. The door opens in the room and a man walks in. Hands behind his back and clothes of elegant measures walks to the edge of the bed and smiles at the young lady. “My lady awakens. Many days have passed and your wounds have healed. Would you like to come to dinner and eat with everyone else in the household?”

The woman looked around again, ignoring the question. “Where am I? And who are you? What happened?” She touched her neck and shoulder were she had been attacked and felt scars instead.

The man closed his eyes faintly and held out his hands. “Such questions will be answered later. Now come with me and I will deliver you to the dinner hall.” The woman lifted her arms and grasped the man’s hands tightly and she was pulled from the bed. Once on her feet she steadied herself and found she was in an elegant blue dress that probably dated back to the 1800s. Her feet were bare against the wood floor as the stranger led her through a series of passages and into a very large hall. She looked around in amazement as she took in the chandeliers hanging over a long table filled with food. At one end several people sat, sitting peacefully. At the head of the table a young man stood and bowed to the newcomer. “Welcome to my house Miss Jessica Bishop.”

Jessica, the woman frowned looking at this man she had never seen in her life. She walked closer and stood near an empty chair. “How do you know my name?”

The man smiled and walked over, pulling the chair out for Jessica. “I know every one of my guests. You are just the last to join my gathering. Each of you were brought here together and at the same time. So don’t be scared, I am fixing to begin to answer the questions you all seek.”

A large young man in a green suit dabbed his chin with a napkin after a really messy sip of wine. “Good. We wish to know how and why we have been brought here. Last I remember was being attacked by a great beast.”

The young man smiled. “First let me introduce myself. I am Sir Adam Norwood, and that great beast you speak of is a good friend of mine.” He snapped his fingers and a solid black wolf the size of a horse walked in. The lips were pulled up as if in a snarl but with no noise. “This is Sir Isaac Finch. He, as many of you would see, is a wolf. But not any ordinary wolf. Isaac is a werewolf. Which he is unable to demonstrate for there are some very lovely ladies in the room who deserve to not witness a naked man at dinner.”

The large man laughed. “Preposterous. No man can turn into a wolf, it is scientifically proven that it’s impossible.”

The wolf growled and stepped forward toward the fat man. Adam touched the wolf’s shoulder gently. “Now Isaac, they are still guests, they haven’t started our games yet.” Isaac lowered his head and turned and sat by Adam’s chair, his yellow eyes still glanced between the people in the room.

Adam sat back at his chair. “Now Sir Jacob, you will be our first example of how rudeness will not be tolerated. Speak out of turn again and I will let Isaac make a meal of you.”

The fat man, Jacob, closed his mouth and seemed to pout as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. Adam smiled approval before looking over the guests. “There are 4 of you here. Each of you have been brought here to play a game. Each of you have a past unlike the others. A depressed cutter, a rich eater, a selfish hoarder, and an angry addict, each of you have wished for the end of your life in one form or another. As you look between yourselves, you may judge but be surprised that you might not see what you think.”

Jacob sat up in his chair and looked at each person at the table. Other than himself and Jessica, there was an extremely skinny woman in her twenties who listened while glaring at her empty plate. Across from her was a young man with long emo styled hair. He frowned and looked at Adam. “So if we are to play a game, please explain the rules.”

Adam smiled. “Glad you asked Noah. The moment I say start, you will each have to figure out who is who as a team. None of you want to admit to your mistakes though.” He looked between everyone and stood again. “To help you get started on the first task, I’ll introduce each of you.”

He started with Jessica, in her blue dress and brown wavy hair, her eyes watched everyone, her eyes large blue orbs as she was introduced. “Jessica Bishop, this young lady is 19.” Adam then moved to the large man in the green suit, his sand colored hair a mess on top of his head. “Jacob Maverick, very rude when unwanted, he is 27.” Jacob made a rude noise in response but was otherwise quiet as Adam moved on.

“Mary Ann Kwell. Age 25.” He said as he looked at the thin woman in a long sleeved yellow dress. She bit her lip, her brown eyes glaring at her plate, her blond hair unmoving as she nodded slightly, agreeing to the fact of her name and age.

The guy with the black emo hair style was next, his yellow contacts looked depressed as he sat, looking at Isaac, the wolf, silently. “And finally Noah Bell, age 22.”

As Adam finished speaking Jessica looked at him and took a breath. “So, we have to find who the labels belong to and after that you’ll give us another task? That would be easy to do right now.”

Adam laughed at this. “First impressions will only make you fail, I promise you that much. I already know who each of you are, but the others don’t and don’t be so quick to judge Jessica, you only have one chance to come to me and tell me who you think each of the others are. And from there we will continue. Now… before I leave and let you eat, understand that none of you can leave this house and if you try, you will be killed on site and the other players will suffer as well in a different way.” And with that Adam stood and left, Isaac following him out of the room.

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