Two Sided Wolf pt 2

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My face is pressed against the cold tiles of the kitchen floor. Warm blood drips off my nose and splatters on the white tile. I take a shaky breath as two voices in my head whimper in pain.

One arm is folded under me, while the other is stretched out at an odd angle.  My legs are spread out and covered by the long white skirt splattered with blood. A pool of blood stains the new blue shirt covering the other bruises on my body. I look up to see that the threat is gone.

I take a deep breath and hold it while I force my arm under me to move and push me off the floor. I bite my tongue as I am forced to use both arms to push myself off the floor. I get myself into a sitting position and notice the familiar eyes looking at me in sorrow.

I grimace at the light blue eyes as I force myself to stand up. Once I am up on my feet I go straight to the bathroom on wobbly legs. Once I’m in there, I strip the clothes off me and turn the water on. I step into the warm water and shiver as I feel the blood rinse off me. It takes a few minutes before the water finally runs clear instead of red. I reach up and touch the open wound on my forehead.

It will take a few hours to heal. I slowly touch the fading bruises over my body. The dark black ones always take a few days to heal. I take a deep breath and make sure I’m clean before stepping out of the shower. I take a towel and wrap it around myself.

I go to my bedroom from the joining door. I pull out some clean clothes and get dressed as quickly as I can handle. I look at my forehead in the mirror and touch the scab that has formed. I sigh and take a step back from the mirror.

I see a young broken woman standing in the mirror. Her hair is solid black on the left side of her head. The right side of her head has solid white hair. Her right eye is light blue and her left eye is a dark green. There is a black bruise covering her left eye as she tries to hide her pain from the world. Her body looks too skinny to be healthy. Scars cover what skin you can see and you can see purple hand prints on her arms and legs. You can tell that she has been beaten for years.

I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. I am a pitiful sight to everyone who sees me.

I turn and lay down on my bed. I turn my back to the door and close my eyes and I relive today’s nightmare.

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