A Rose's Snare pt 4

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I wake up in the morning to my stomach roaring in hunger. I slip on some clean clothes and head to the dining room where I load my plate up and start to eat.

I notice Effie about half way through my food. Her face is twisted up as she looks at me in disgust. I smile with food in my mouth and that sends her running from the room.

I laugh as I finish my food quietly.

When I’m finished I go to the living room where Haymitch is talking to Gale.

“You need to work with me. We need to appeal to the audience. The why you are acting will get you killed.”

Gale snorts and crosses his arms. “Well then I’ll just act myself and try to be nice and not hate the capitol.”

Haymitch sighs and pitches the bridge of his nose in anger. “I guess that will do.”

Gale notices me and waves me over. “Come sit down. You can get a new personality too.”

Haymitch rolls his eyes. “You just need to make the capitol like you. Simple, unless you’re hostile like Gale. Primrose, do you think you can act cute or something?”

I nodd. “Of course. I can act properly on stage. I just don’t like being insulted.”

Haymitch makes a face. “No one does sweetie. But you have to have some kind of personality that appeals to them.”

Over the next hour we work with Haymitch to get our performances down to a tee. After that we are sent to Effie. The rest of the day we work on manners. A few times Gale purposely messes up to make Effie mad.

But by the end of the day we are ready for the interviews on the next day.

The next morning I wake up to my prep team hanging over me. I get up and obey their every command as they get me together for the interviews tonight. The cleaning and prep takes hours and by the time my body and hair is done its noon. I am fed bits of bread as they finish up the last touches before I am dressed into a long dress.

I twirl in the dress in front of Cinna and gasp as the thousands of gems sown into the fabric appears to be flames engulfing my body. I smile up at Cinna who smiles back. “You will be remembered forever.”

I nodd. The rest of the prep team leaves except for Cinna who sighs. “I hope that you are ready for tonight.”

I nodd. “I’m nervous about it.”

Cinna nodds. “Nothing to be nervous about. They will adore you. And if you choke up then just find me and pretend I’m the only one you’re talking to. Ok?”

I sigh and take a deep breath. “I’ll do that then.”

Over the next hour we are hustled down to the stage to wait for each interview. We are seated behind the stage with cameras on us while the interview takes place in front of the crowd. Gale sits next to me as he is last in line this time. Each tribute is called to the front to give flawless interviews.

Rue’s interview seemed very short. When she was asked about her talents she answered simply, “I am hard to catch. You can’t catch or find me anywhere.”

Thresh’s interview was very quiet. With simple yes or no answers.

Finally I am called up front. I walk slowly and shake Caesar’s hand when he offers. I take a seat and focus on Cinna near the back as the questions begin.

“So Primrose, what do you think of the capitol so far?”

I swallow. “Very rich and bright.”

Caesar laughs. “Must be quiet the change from home.”

I nodd. “A lot of change.”

Caesar nodds. “So any hints on what to keep an eye out for in the field?”

I tilt my head a little. “I don’t want to lose my edge.”

Caesar smiles. “Oh that’s fine. How about your family? Gale appears to be close to you. Is there any history there?”

I feel my throat start to tighten so I focus on Cinna again. “My older sister and Gale are best friends. Our families might as well be one.”

Caesar nodds. “So Gale is like your brother. Tell me about your close family.”

I swallow again. “Katniss is the one who takes care of me and my mother. My father died in the mines years ago.  But Katniss went missing the day I left. So my mother is all alone now. And she has been ill since my father died.”

The crowd makes a sad sound and suddenly the buzzer goes off.

Caesar frowns. “I wish your family luck Primrose.”

I nodd and leave the stage. I find my seat and watch the TV screen set up for us.

Gale takes his seat as Caesar begins. “So Gale what do you think of the capitol?”

Gale takes a deep breath. “Very large.”

Caesar nodds. “Ok, so tell me about yourself.”

Gale looks around for a moment. “I have a lot of family. The oldest out of four. My father died the same way and time that Prim’s father did.”

Caesar smiles. “Do you have any one waiting for you back home?”

Gale blushes a little. “I don’t really know. We’re just friends.”

Caesar nodds. “Well if you win you can go home and maybe take it to the next level. Does this girl have a name?”

Gale blushes even more. “Yes. Katniss Everdeen.”

I smile as Gale finally admits that he likes my sister.

Caesar smiles widely. “So Prim’s older sister. But isn’t she missing?”

Gale nodds. “The day of the reaping she disappeared. Winning will help me as much as losing. Prim is here so no matter what happens, Katniss will hate me for winning or I’ll never go home.”

The crowd makes a sound of sympathy. Caesar frowns. “Well if you win you might still be able to get the girl. Just won’t be easy.”

Gale nodds and the buzzer goes off.

He leaves the stage and takes he seat in the back with the rest of us. I smile at him and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. After the anthem we are taken back to our floor.

Gale heads straight to his room with a frown. I go to the living room to rewatch the interviews to try to get ready for tomorrow.

Afterwards I head to bed only to be plagued by nightmares. In the middle of the night I give up on sleeping and head to the roof.

I find gale up there sitting alone in the garden. I sit next to him as he looks at me. “Hey Prim.”

I nodd. “Can’t sleep?”

Gale shrugs. “Yeah. I’m worried right now.”

I sigh. “Me too. The Games begins tomorrow. And only way for us to know what happened to Katniss is when one of us goes back.”

Gale frowns. “But like I said, I like your sister. I always have. But you’re like my little sister. If Posy was here I’d do everything in my power to make sure she got out of here. But because you want me to get out of here, I’m conflicted about it.”

I look at Gale. “How about we just do what we can and whoever gets out is the better kid?”

Gale smiles slightly. “Whatever you say. You are a lot like Katniss but without that attitude.”

I laugh. “I’m too likable to be too much like her. Plus she can kill and hunt. I heal and fix so there is a lot of differences.”

Gale laughs and pats my back. “I agree. Let’s try to go back to bed. Once were in we probably won’t get a lot of sleep.”

I nodd and we both head back to our rooms.

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