Rebellious Phases pt 5

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~*Jude’s POV*~

I lie on the floor and watch Jessica breathe out slow breaths. Her cheek is pressed against a pillow as she lays on the edge of my bed.

I had convinced her to take my bed and get some sleep since this morning had been exhausting for her. I was tired and took a nap after our short argument. I won hence me laying on the floor.

Jessica was still asleep and had one foot hanging off the edge.

I sigh and sit up. Dad should be up in a few minutes. If he didn’t see me up in the hall when he gets up he’ll come into the room and find Jessica in my bed. Won’t that tickle him pink?

I huff and stand up. I fix my shirt and jeans before leaving the room. I walk to the bath room and brush my hair while I wait for dad’s alarm to go off. It only takes a few minutes before I hear his grumbling and the rooster alarm from his room.

He walks out in his normal boxers and waves at me. “Mind if I steal the bathroom.”

I shrug and let him take the room. “I’ll be down stairs.”

I go down stairs and sit down in the living room. Since I wasn’t in school anymore, I spend my days at home or looking for a job that I can handle. It’s hard to find a job without a high school diploma.

I hear dad’s footsteps as he comes down. I look back at the stairs to see him in his khaki pants and white shirt. “Going to work early?”

He nodds. “Jim called in yesterday and Thomas needed me to finish the presentation this morning for his meeting tonight.”

I nodd. “I should be here when you get home then.”

Dad nodds as he leaves the house. I wait for the front door to be shut before getting up and heading back upstairs.

When I go into my room, I find Jessica hasn’t moved one bit.  I smile a little as I lay back down on the floor.

~*Jessica’s POV*~

I find myself in the meadow again. I look around to see Opal lying on her belly with her wings spread out against the ground.

“I enjoy your dreams a lot. I can always shape them so easily. This meadow is my favorite place to relax. It’s always so boring when you’re awake because I just sit and do nothing while you are busy. But in your dreams, I can wonder around and feel free. I just couldn’t talk to you or see you until the day of your shift. And after being able to see through you and be really free, I don’t blame you for keeping your own freedom till now.”

I shrug and sit down on the ground. “I’m a little confused. Can you explain to me what all is going on?”

Opal closes her eyes. “You control the body forms and thoughts and everything else. But I am basically the personification of your powers. Since you are part human just as every shifter is, you will be remain human most of the time. But there are times that your body will transform into my body. But you will keep control. While in my form, I am able to hear, see, and feel everything you do. But I am unable to do anything for myself in less you let me. Neither can I force you to bow down to me. It is very complicated but you only need to understand the basics.”

I tilt my head. “I didn’t need to know that. I wanted to know about why I shift and why I have you. That is what I am confused about.”

Opal opens her eyes and laughs. “Those are always the first questions. Just as every human is a human, every shifter is a shifter. It is only nature. You shift because your father was a shifter and passed the gene on to you. Shifter genes are always dominant compared to humans. If a human and shifter are together, their child will always be a shifter. Every shifter child is paired with an experienced soul as their shifted form when they are born. You are a new soul while I am old. A lot of this is easier to explain later on. What are your other questions?”

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