Changing Desires pt 2

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A few hours of silence had passed since I arrived home that morning, leaving me watching the tv, and my beloved wife engulfed in her book. But as the time passed, she set her book down and curled up to me. Her head settled onto my chest, her eyes close, drifting off to sleep gently.

It was all ruined as a tinkering filled the room from the bedside table. Grabbing the phone, I look at the caller ID to see a private number. A bit worried, I go to hang up and ignore the call, but Julian reached up and took the phone herself.

She pressed the green button and held the phone to her ear. "Zephyr's wife, can I help you?" She asked, sounding surprisingly cold.

All I could hear was a soft male voice on the other end before she handed the phone to me with a odd look. I carefully take it and hold it to my ear before hearing a familiar voice.

"Wow, your little wife there sounds venomous, sounds like she doesn't think your bi now does she? A bit disappointing I have to admit, Z, but then she'll believe you if I was just a 'friend', Huh?"

That husky seductive sent shivers down my spine even over the phone. Who the hell was this guy? His voice could't sound like that normally could it? I couldn't help but wonder if someone else had my number. "Hey..." I answered, not sure what to say with Julian still laying on my chest, able to hear only my side of the conversation.

"Oh you don't even remember my name do you Zephy? That's a shame considering you loved every second of the several hours we spent together, talking about every aspect of your life, Babe." This man never spoke in anything but a seductive voice. It was disturbing how much of a effect it had on me, even with my girl, sitting right here with me.

Julian seemed to notice something was wrong and sat up, looking over me with an worried expression. "Is everything okay?" Her soft voice asked me, thick with the same emotion on her face.

I nod to her, hoping she wouldn't dig deeper then the surface. "Look, I'm busy, I can't talk to you." I told, and started to hang up, but he stopped, hearing the man.

"I'll black mail you." He said loudly, before pausing. The pause seemed take forever before a image text popped up. Out of fear, I ignored it, pressing the phone to my ear again. "Okay, you have my attention." I answer, keeping my voice as natural as possible.

"Good boy." The purr had an effect on me, like my body expected pleasure form such a small sound. Using as much will power as I could, I manage to contain myself and my feelings to continue the conversation.

"What do you want?" I asked, ignoring Julian's now confused expression on her face. I needed to get this guy to go away, and let me figure out my problems with out his invasion.

Before his answer came across, the phone disappeared from my grip. It was in Julian's hands now as she got up and talked. "Look, its Saturday, I missed my husband all night, and I really would like to return to my evening . He'll be at work Monday." She then hung up, leaving me sitting with a shocked expression.

I went to grab for the phone, only for it to be yanked out of my hold. "I don't know who this guy was, who what was going on Zephyr, but if you weren't working last night...." She couldn't finish the sentence as she teared up a little. She silently handed the phone back before leaving the room.

You see, Julian was my high school sweet heart. We dated since I was a freshman and she was the only girl I had ever been with. A cheerleader, a smart girl, and I was her one and only. Its always ever been us. But... Maybe that was why i was drifting. I needed something new, exciting. Something to change this rut that I've been in since I've been with her... This lead me to the club last night.

I was silent as I went up after her to fine her laying on the bed, crying. I gently touched her back, only to have my hand slapped away. Taking a step back in surprise only to have her yell at me.

"All you do is work Zephyr! Getting these phone calls, taking you away from me, working late! You don't look at me like you used to or touch me! You haven't sat down to make any future plans with me ever! I feel like I'm not even married to you!" She screamed at me, her face red with tears.

Swallowing, I watch her, a bit speechless. How could I respond to this? How could I tell her I was secretly bi, that I cheated on her, that I was falling out of love with her, even after the years together?

When I didn't answer, she screamed at me again, standing up. "You can't even answer me! What kind of marriage is this Zephyr. You don't even talk to me!" she screamed before storming down stairs, and slamming the front door on her way out.

I knew that she wasn't going to be gone for ever but, she would walk for a few hours. But my phone rang again, giving me a text from that man. 'Come to the club, 10 o'clock. You owe me a few drinks. I suggest you come or else.'

My eyes scanned the text multiple times before it settled in. He wanted me again.... I couldn't help but swallow back my worry. How as I going to leave if Julian was back? I couldn't... She would kill me, and only further our fighting.

I decided to try and make a choice, to go on with this and risk more fights, or tell her and loose her now? Which would have the lesser loss?

The decision was made for me. An hour later, Julian came into the room, and started to pack an over night bag. "I'm staying at my moms." She announced, sending a shot of pain through my heart.

"Julian, baby-"

"Don't baby me, Zephyr! You've been lying to me and working all night long lately, and I don't know who your fucking, but untill you want to tell the truth, I don't want to see you!" She screamed, fresh tears rolling down her reddened face. She slammed the dresser door shut and started back out of the room.

She was stopped though, as I gripped her arm, holding her. "Julian, I love you, I always will, but I've... I've got something going on with me right now and I just really need your support as I figure things out." I begged, looking at her with pleading eyes.

A rejection was the answer. Her arm ripped it self from my grip as she glared at me. "I can't help you till you tell me the truth Zephyr. All of it!" She snapped before rushing out of the house, before I could stop her once more.

Being left with that I sit on my bed, head in my hands as before. How could I tell her the truth? That I felt like my gay side was finally coming out? That I cheated on her with a stranger who was now black mailing me for more?

As my phone rang again, I ignore it, heading out of the house quickly, heading for the club to face this man that had entered my life. Little did I know, he wouldn't be leaving it as soon as I currently hoped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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