Chapter 50 : Counterattack

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Reminder : This chapter has dark themes, I apologize in advance, if it offends some readers.


June 12th, X524 ( 6 PM)
Lucy's bedroom, Prince Laxus's manor

"No, I don't agree. You can't do this," Meredy shook her head vigorously, "Lucelia-sama, your plan is too risky." The unspoken uneasiness she felt the moment she saw Lucelia-sama's outfit came into reality. The blond-haired princess was wearing white body-fitting armor a pair of black pants and black boots. Which lady would dress like this when she was staying in her manor?

"I need your help, Meredy."

      Meredy sighed helplessly. She and Juvia just arrived back from their mission. As soon as they heard what happened, they rushed to Prince Manor. One thing to be at relief was that the news about Princess Consort being grounded in her manor wasn't leaked outside. For the same reason, other nonsense rumors didn't reach to Lucelia-sama.

      Nevertheless, a certain celestial spirit mage had her ways. Thanks to Gemini, she gained useful information. She didn't want to stay in the manor without doing anything. She had to capture the impostor.

"I know a way to lure her out," the blonde said, "I don't ask you to take me outside, Meredy. I'm asking you to support me, and follow me so that you can prove my innocence."

"Jellal-sama and Erza-san will definitely capture the impostor. Lucelia-sama, please stay here. If you're bored, I can accompany you," the pinkette looked at her blue-haired friend, "Juvia, please say something."

"Princess's decision is Juvia's decision. Juvia will follow Princess."

       Juvia's answer made Meredy in a dull state, "I shouldn't ask you, Ju."

"I don't mean that I don't trust His Highnesses. I just want to solve my problem by myself. Please, Meredy.. Please."

      The sensory mage sighed again before speaking, "Lucelia-sama, you said I don't need you to take you outside. Then how will you go outside?" She tilted her head in confusion.

      Lucy grinned, "Easy. Let's go."

"Now?" Meredy's pink eyes widened, "No.. It's getting dark, Lucelia-sama. Besides, His Highness Laxus won't let us go easily. He is a dragon slayer," Of course, Meredy objected. She didn't want to be suffered by the hands of the angry blond prince if he found out that she was Lucelia-sama's partner-in-crime. Besides, Erza-sam and Jellal-sama weren't willing to let this matter go easily. They would punish her for disobeying their orders.

"He's not here now," Lucy answered simply. She stretched out her right hand to the front, concentrating her magic gathered. Yellow rays of light surrounded her, "My own gate... Connects to the earthland and the celestial spirit world. I open thee." A magic circle appeared on the floor, in the center of the room.

      The celestial spirit mage gestured for her friends to step in. "Let's go."

       A moment later, the magic circle disappeared, together with three girls.

• • • • •

      Somewhere in Magnolia, another magic circle brightened the dark surrounding, as the girls came out of it. "We'll wait here til midnight."

"Where're we?" The pinkette asked, looking at the dark place. Even though it was still seven in the evening, it was dark inside, she could barely see the surroundings. Moreover, the place was silent and windy.

"Southern Clock Tower," a voice answered, as the area near them was again lightened by two small light spheres, "Yo," the familiar orange-haired guy greeted them, as he walked towards them. The zodiac leader was in his usual black suit. The only difference was his short orange hair, and the absence of his lion ears. As Lucy got stronger in the past week, he also became stronger, which allowed him to transform into a fully human form.

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