K. 1

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                      K. by Cigatettes After Sex

Ropes on my legs were gone. Strong arm on mine held me up, motioning for me to move. The gun was still against my head, I felt it. Moving into the forced direction. A big opening in the floor caught my attention. It was filled with dirty water.

A burning feeling creased under my eyes, facial expression remained the same. A single tear slid down. Satisfaction on his face was out of control. The man enjoyed the show.

A swift motion with his hand and I felt a push. My figure was consumed by ice cold water. Weakness was struggling against the will of surviving. Together, tied up hands made it more difficult. Fear finally took control. My will to take a breath, I couldn't find any strength to swim back up. The muscles in my body went numb. The system of thinking shut down.

Field of dandelions, my feet in grass. Crashing into his arms. The embrace was filled with safety. Strong arms around my slim frame. A white sundress and his polo shirt. Fading laughter rang in my ears. Sprinting in each direction, the boy was trying to catch me. Hot summer air and light breeze. Soft kisses on the forehead and pure smiles.

Air left my lungs, darkness consumed me and I welcomed my faith.


Three month before

Summer. Warm wind, singing of the birds, early mornings with sun rise and peace. No nosy, crowded streets, no people who would put their noses in your business, but a mansion in the woods, near a lake, fields with blooming flowers and only you standing on a balcony with a cup of freshly made coffee.

For the past year I was focused on myself, constantly doing pretty much to achieve what I want. Setting goals is easy, following them is an essential part, where you sacrifice plenty and finally come face to face with the result. And trust me, it is worth it.

The light warm wind played with my blonde hair, as I sipped on my coffee. Holding the cup in one hand and resting the other on the railing.

Taking one last sip, I made my way back inside, in my room. Light peered through the tall windows. Opening the wardrobe, I picked out a white tennis skirt with a white polo shirt.

All dressed up, my legs guided me to the first story straight to the kitchen. My eyes landed on Vanessa. She was a nice, old lady who cooked and cleaned for us. She looked after me when I was younger. Vanessa has been working for my parents for three decades, basically being a part of this family.

"Good morning," I greeted her. Sitting down on the stool.

"Morning, dear," she gave me a warm smile. "Your father called, asked how you were doing and would love to see you soon."

She put a bottle with water, lime and mint on the table.

"Alright," I nodded. "Did he tell you when they head back?"

"Tomorrow. Are you also going to the event?"

"I guess so. Wouldn't want to miss the great event of 'old money society'," I mumbled. "Thank you," I took the water and walked out of the door.

Old money society, interesting. Two times a year there is an event for rich people who call themselves 'Old Money Society'. Parents and their children are welcomed in a big room. Men wearing black suits, discussing business. Meanwhile their wives are gossiping about how expensive their new Prada bag was.

Not everybody was allowed inside. There is a list, members of the club, meaning twenty-four families, including mine. Three original founders' families. My family, Florence family and Doomer family. Doesn't mean they have more power. These families simply have a historical past which everybody admires. The event is a tradition coming from the last two centuries.

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