Born to die 27

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Born to die by Lana Del Rey

Three days have gone by. Three days since the wedding, three days since Calvin left my room. Multiple missed calls and unread messages from me, silence from him. He never answered my calls. I never felt guilty for anything, yet now the strong feeling ate me up alive, slowly and painfully.

Early in the morning Donna and Jasper left for the airport for their journey to Italy. I was invited, however I declined the offer. It has nothing to do with me, it is their time. My sister was simply afraid to leave me on my own, due to my breakdown and the whole situation. Assuming that I am fine, the married couple departed.

I was far away from fine. My head laid on top of the kitchen island. My body shut down. Numb feelings separated all over my inside world. Playing with my fingers, I gazed into space. Drowning into the darkness of reality. Each breath I took could be my last. Pale skin lost its shimmer. Blue color lost its shine.

The coffee did not taste the same. Nothing was the same.

I lost hope in my case of finding anything more about Jim. Damage he'd done is awful, yet many factors spoke against his actions. Somehow I gave up. Basically on everything.

Strong figure of Victoria Grey was fading into the unknown.

Eyes close, open again. Deep inhale, exhale again. Half of the day went on like this. I haven't eaten since yesterday. The food was far away from my reach. I never saw my hand reaching anything that would taste good and give me strength. I starved, mentally and physically. I could already hear my stomach crying out for food, but I refused to put anything in my mouth.

Nevertheless, I found some strength to come down into the kitchen, in hopes to escape the prison those four walls in my room built for me.

I wish I didn't feel at all. The only thing I ever wanted was to run away from the misery of those emotions. Universe had other plans for me and suddenly I felt it all.

A knock on my front door pulled me out of my thoughts. Jelly legs guided me towards the front door. On the porch stood a tall man in a black suit. He was probably in his forties. Clean shaved face and good done hair. In contrast to him I looked like a ghost.

"Victoria Grey?" He asked.

"Who wants to know?"

"My name is Marcus Knox," he said. "I am from the organization Cosmo."

Immediately I woke up again after these words left his lips. My intuition spun around in circles, bad feeling. He was not a worker, I recognized it on the way he wore his suit. Men who worked in 'Cosmo' usually wore a white shirt, west and then a blazer over. He, however, wore a black shirt and black blazer. Must not be a sign that he's a liar, the feeling in my stomach said otherwise. His hair was done not for the office work, too long actually. The office man had mostly short cuts and accurate line on the forehead so the hair won't disturb them. Spotting his shoes my heart skipped a beat. It was him.

Immediately I snatched the wooden statue from the small table beside the door, swinging it in his direction as the man inched closer to me, sprinting into another direction, I tried to escape from him. Fear searched for any space in my body to take over. I did not allow it to happen. His heavy footsteps followed me. Pulse was ringing in my ears. There was a back door, there was a garden glass door. Running through library, I made it outside.

My slim figure crushed into a strong chest. From the sudden contact, I fell back on the grass. A second was enough for me to realize that here was no way out anymore. My eyes met the cold lifeless one's.

"Now Victoria, this is no way to greet your guests," Jim shook his head, hands in front pockets.

A pair of arms pulled me up, holding in place. My body was weak, fighting against their grip was dull. Fear never showed up on my face. My stomach dropped at the moment of his cold stare meeting mine, blank.

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