So Cold 20

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So Cold by Ben Cocks

What do people feel when they die? Are they afraid when they know the end is near? The light is actually there, or is it the darkness we see? Nobody knows exactly the state you are when you're dying. The image of walking along a dark corridor towards the light, how dull does it sound? The only person who'll find this out is yourself.

The soul left my body.

He stood at the door. The handle slowly turned and a male shoe stepped inside. Clapping my hand over my mouth, I tried to hold my breath. I couldn't see his face. Step forward and I hear the sirens. Police arrived and the man ran out of the room.

Letting out a sob, I hung up the phone. Jelly was instead of my legs. The way was safe for me to exit, yet I couldn't move. The fear took over me. Loud footsteps rang in my ears. Two police officers ran inside, seeing me they lowered their weapons. A shaking girl, not knowing where she was.

"Miss, are you hurt?" The tall man asked me. Shaking my head, I stood on the same spot. "Let's get you out in the fresh air."

Leading me out, I was met with the cold night breeze. Sky was a darker shade. The sound around me was blocked by the shock in me. Second later and I would be dead.

In the opened car door, I sat with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

"Can we call your parents?" The shorter policeman with a mustache, asked. "Anyone?"

"I-, the-," words could come out as a sentence. "No."

"Richard," the shorter one called. "He ran away."

The tall man, Richard, looked down at me, eyes full of pity. The state I was in was not something they hadn't seen already. Yet,

Richard didn't feel like leaving me on my own at all. Crouching down in front of me, the man scanned me quickly. He didn't touch me, afraid that I would freak out and sprint away. Soft brown eyes stayed on the trembling girl.

"Would you feel better if you come with us before anybody will pick you up?" He muttered concerned.

No words, a simple nod and I was sitting in the back seat of their car.


The silent drive was irritating me more. At that moment I wanted to be held in someone's arms, crying my soul out. The discovery was predictable, because if I didn't find out about Mr. Doomer, this wouldn't have happened. How did he know about my suspicions? Was he spying? The thoughts scared me more. I have never been scared as much as tonight.

My distracted mind was shifting back to reality when the officers got a call about a car accident. The direction of the drive turned and we went the other way.

"Stay here," Richard said. The men stepped out, moving towards the scene.

The heart skipped a beat. The white car. My parents' car.

Sprinting out of the car, I ran towards the accident. Shouts for me to stop were blocked. I heard nothing, not even my own thoughts. Blank space. The blue eyes scanned the area in search of my family. The ambulance, the sirens, a body. No, please. Two bodies laid on the ground covered by two white blankets. Before a police officer could catch me, my legs led me towards them.

"Miss, you are not allowed in here," he tried to catch my arm.

"Who died?" I cried.

"You should leave," he said.

"No, you tell me right now!" I nearly shouted, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Mike," Richard warned the man.

With a deep sigh, he said, "Two older people. From the Grey family."

After this, I was out. My head snapped in their direction. No movement, no breathing, they were gone. My parents were dead, lying beside me at my feet.

The lungs had not enough oxygen to breathe properly. I held the chest in hopes to breathe, no help. My legs gave up and I fell on my knees. I didn't shout, nor called for them to wake up. The silent tears slid down, meeting the cold ground. Fogg flew around in my mind, not allowing me to think.

A gentle hand touched my shoulder. Richard, he stood there with me. At some point I was thankful yet there was no time for that.

Donna, where is my sister? Scanning the area, there was somebody in the ambulance. Blonde hair from the glimpse I caught before the door of the car closed. She was alive.

"Can you bring me to the hospital please?" I whispered to Richard.

"Sure," he nodded.


"Donna Grey, she was just delivered." The female doctor said. Her messy chocolate hair was put in a low ponytail. Adjusting the glasses, she wrote my sister's information out. "Does she have any allergies?" Silence from me. No. "You are not allowed to see her yet. The condition is hard, but stable. The injuries are not fetal. During the survey we found out that she was pregnant. She was lucky, the back seat saved her. The child is in no danger as well."

My gaze was admiring the hall; I was barely listening to the woman. She left shortly after. She was alive, pregnant as well. Relief creased in my chest.

Jasper was delivered as well, he was in a worse condition as my sister, yet he survived. Surgery was going well so far.

The pain was too heavy, I can't and don't want to carry it all. The walls around me are slowly closing up and next second they will squish me. The darkness surrounded me, slowly eating up the light and leaving me on my own. I was scared.

A hot liquid was on my fingers, blood. Wiping my hands on my trousers, I stood up. In these lonely halls was one room I needed to be in right now.

Knocking on the door, I heard a small yes and walked in. The terrifying presence of me made him freeze. He now sat, leaning against the bed head, holding the book in his hands. The green in his eyes turned soft, worry across his face.

"Vic, what happened?" he asked.

I was speechless. The sobs came out of me, not holding back. Staying in the doorway still, I hugged myself, not really knowing what to do or say. What was I doing here in the first place?

From the corner of the eye, I saw him carefully standing up, hissing in pain. He walked up to me. The warmth of his hands welcomed me. Soft touch on my weak frame and I shattered. Every emotion I held back, each moment I witnessed tonight, it all came out with tears.

"I'm here," he whispered in my hair. My hands clenched in fists, holding onto his hospital nightgown. The weakness in his body slowly faded, the strength returning. The shards of me were all over the place. Sadness turned into pure rage. Red is what I saw. Even in his arms I needed to punch something. Nevertheless, I held myself back.

"Vic," he mumbled, pulling away, the hands on my shoulders. The fear of letting go of me and breaking like a china doll was tracing over his face.

"Just," I tried. "Don't leave me, please."

His palms took my face, "never."

I nodded, admiring his eyes. The sore words were burning my tongue. "There has been an accident," I muttered under my breath. "My father-," I breathed in, "he and my mom. They died." The Lack of response showed me the shock from him. The words weren't needed. All I needed was his presence. "Donna is here."

His arms pulled me towards him. Crashing into his chest I felt safer and better. Was this real? I guess I am dreaming and when I stumble over my feet and fall, I'll finally wake up and return to the happy evening with my friends. The time with laughter and jokes. No use to my will, reality was sour and unfair. I lost my parents. The voice in my head is screaming, murder.

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